英语:Unit5 Feeling Happy Topic 2 Section A课件(仁爱英语八年级下).ppt

英语:Unit5 Feeling Happy Topic 2 Section A课件(仁爱英语八年级下).ppt

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英语:Unit5 Feeling Happy Topic 2 Section A课件(仁爱英语八年级下)

Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A 1.Learn and grasp the words about personal feelings and characters. 2.Be able to express personal feelings with proper adj. 3.Grasp the structure of “linking verb + adj. + prep.” Teaching aims and demands: Review Review words about feelings . happy, sad, worried…… New words: shy, strict, patient, explain, over and over again, understand, be pleased with, result, bored, anxious, line, fall behind, satisfaction, surprise Presentation Beth is a quiet and shy girl, why is she crying? Listen and find the answer. She has no friends here. Maybe she feels lonely. Look , listen and say 1. Anything wrong? 有什么不对吗?/有什么麻烦吗?完整句应是: Is anything wrong ? 2. What seems to be the problem? 到底是怎么回事? 后接动词原形,意思为 “似乎, 好象”表推测. 如 He seems to know the secret. Seem 后接形容词,构成系表结构. Jane seems worried. I don’t know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办. 疑问词who, which, what ,where, when, how 等后加不定式够成一种特殊的不定式短语,在句中可做主语,宾语、,表语等. He didn’t know where to go. Sum up 4 ..She has no friends to talk with. 她没有可交谈的朋友. To talk with 不定式做后置定语修饰其前面的friends . 5 She should be more active.她应该更加活跃一点. 6 I am worried about her. 我很担心她. Be worried about Are you worried about falling behind others? Be+形容词.+介词 的结构还有: Be pleased with 对…感到满意 Be afraid of 对…感到害怕 Be bored with 对…感到厌倦 Be nervous about 对…感到紧张 Be satisfied with 对…感到满意 Be strict with sb.对某人要求严格 Be strict about sth.对某事要求严格 Practice according to the example. strict, patient helpful, happy funny, popular shy, quiet Practice Ask and answer in pairs. 1 A: Why is Beth crying in the bathroom? B: Because ______________. 2 A: Why does Beth feel lonely? B: Because _______________. 3 A: Why does Miss Wang feel sorry? B: Because ______________. 4 A: What does Miss Wang want to do ? B: __________________. Look lonely/no friends be angry /be lost feel upset/be ill Be funny/laugh look tired /homework feel sad /die She feels lonely because she has no friends. Be funny/laugh feel sad /die feel upset/be ill _


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