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ks5u精品课件 Unit 23 Conflict Living in a community What are the people doing in the pictures? Read the first newspaper report. Whose side are you on, the drummer’s or his neighbours? Why? Ex3 Read the reports again and answer these questions. 1 Does Yang Ming own any of his furniture? How do you know? No. He was staying in a furnished apartment. How did Yang Ming keep his neighbours up at night? By drumming and throwing parties. 3 Why did a neighbour think Yang Ming was a bad influence on his son? He said Yang Ming drank too much. 4 Do you think that Yang Ming has a lot of money? Why? Yes. He is living in a suite in a hotel. 5 How many days had Keith Smith lived above the Mckays before he got into trouble with them? 14 days. 6 Are there lots of candles on Mr Mckay’s birthday cake? How do you know? Yes. He is 80 years old and his wife said the candles were “a great sight”. 7 Why didn’t Mr. Mckay get to blow them out? Mr. Smith emptied a tank of water over the cake putting out the candles. 4 Do you think Mr Mckay should have been put in jail? Discuss with a partner. 5 Compare the sentences in the table. Which of the sentences below (a-c) are true about the formal sentences? Only one statement is false. Answers: a) b) 6 Paraphrase these conditional sentences so that they sound less emphatic and less formal. a) They wouldn’t have moved into the building if they had known their neighbour was a drummer. b) I would have felt terrible at the ceremony if my friends had not been there with me. Ex7 How are these neutral statements (1-3)reported in the texts? 1 He is a keen gardener and a fish collector. Not only is he a keen gardener, he is also a fish collector. 2 We’d only just moved in when the noise began. No sooner had they moved in than the noise began. 3 We couldn’t get rid of the smell of fish. Neither could we get rid of the smell of fish. Ex8 Find sentences in the texts that mean almost the s


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