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MERCHANT of VENICE 威尼斯商人 Shakespeares literary position (莎士比亚文学地位) In his works, the bourgeois humanism thought is behaved most adequately, also the highest art. He works for the bourgeoisie emerged as the most powerful public opinion preparation. 在他的作品里,资产阶级人文主义思想表现得最为充分,艺术性也最高。他的作品为资产阶级的兴起作了最有力的舆论准备 。 In poetry creation, he changed the format in Italy, according to the four, four, four two arrangement, each poem can better embody the introduction, emotional and train of thought turns and change. He likes from life and nature, from the country, city, court, stage, court, battlefield, merchants cabinet, churches looking for vivid images and metaphors. He used his control, polysemy, repetition, alliteration, pause, the length of tone scattered to foil content, enhanced music. The sonnet form in the foreign developed under the pen of Shakespeare. 在诗歌的创作中,他改变了意大利的格式,按四、四、四二编排,每首诗更能体现起承转合,情感和思路曲折而有变化。他喜欢从生活和大自然中,从乡村、城市、法庭、舞台、宫廷、战场、商人的柜房、教堂等场所寻找生动的形象和比喻。他常用对照、多义词、重复、停顿、头韵、长短音的错落来烘托内容,增强音乐性。十四行诗这一外来形式在莎士比亚笔下得到了发展。   Shakespeare is a great master of language, he absorbed the peoples language, ancient and modern literary language essence, in his mature works can be handy, and then the local mood anastomosis, according to the characters and plot, and poetry, and prose. Early language be gorgeous, late maturity, but always lively and full of image. Many of his phrases win universal praise, become a part of British National language. 莎士比亚是一位杰出的语言大师,他吸收了人民语言、古代和当代文学语言的精华,在他的成熟作品中能做到得心应手,与人物当时当地的心情吻合,按人物性格和剧情需要,时而诗体,时而散文。早期语言流于华丽,后期日趋成熟,但始终生动而富于形象性。他的许多词句脍炙人口,成为英国全民语言的一部分。 During this period, Shakespeare wrote nine historical subjects to British historical drama, the prevailing historical plays in the highest achievement. 这一时期,莎士比亚写过九部以英国历史为题材的历史剧,在当时盛行的历史剧中成就最高。 Shakespeares history plays reflect the emerging bourgeoisie request Shakespeares history plays with epic grand scale, although the UK is a past history, wrote in Renaissance England society and was a proble


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