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S.Charlotte presentation A person of english-speaking countries William Shakespeare(1564—1616) BRIEF INTRODUCTION ★ William Shakespeare (1564~ 1616) is the most important European Renaissance writer, dramatist and poet. ★ The most widely quoted author in history. ★ His plays have probably been performed more than any other dramatist. ★ Shakespeare was born in Britain in April 23,1564,central Warwick County along the Evan River in Stratford, a wealthy families. LIFE STORY ★ William Shakespeares father was John Shakespeare, a wealthy gloves businessman and Senator. At the age of seven, Shakespeare was sent to a local school for six years, mastered the basic writing skills and abundant knowledge, in addition, he also learned Latin and the Greek. But because his father bankruptcy, he failed to graduate and went on the road of living alone. In 1577 by the father from the school back, had to help his father made a period of business. He worked as a butchers apprentice, also in the rural schools taught, also worked in various other occupation, which enabled him to grow a lot of social experience. JUVENILE PERIOD ★ Shakespeare in about 1590~ 1612 of the total 20 years wrote thirty-seven plays ( such as plus and Fletcher wrote two of your kiss is the thirty-eight ), he also wrote two long poem Venus and Adonis, the rape of Lucrece and one hundred and fifty-four sonnets. A LITERARY CREATION ★ Mainly writing historical drama, comedy. Nine historical plays, 10 comedy and 2 tragedy. ★ 9 historical drama John king was written in early thirteenth Century British history, the other8 is the content of the interface of the two Episode 4: Henry VI, the Charlie III, and; Richard II, Henry IV ( referred to as the most successful historical drama ) on the V, with Henry. These historical drama summary of British history more than 100 years of unrest, created a series of positive, negative image of monarchy, reflecting Shakespeare against the feudal rule, support the centralizat


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