蓝鸽语言UNIT5 II答案.doc

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蓝鸽语言UNIT5 II答案

背景颜色:字体大小: 窗体顶端 正在缓冲音频文件...... 【作业要求】: 情景填空 Directions:Please complete the communicative tasks with appropriate words according to the Dialogue Samples and the Chinese hints, one word for one blank. (根据课本中的对话示范及中文提示用适当的词完成下列交际对话,每空限填一词)[题数:10;分数:5分;参考时间:5分0秒] 题 1 - 10 Passage1 Reporter: Mr. Yang, please talk about yourself. What is your [1] 【×参考答案:educational】 [2] 【×参考答案:background】? (教育背景) Mr. Yang: I have a M.S. [3] 【√参考答案:degree】 (学位) in Computer Science from Peking University and a Ph. D. in business from Harvard University. Reporter: What goals did you set for yourself, and how did you [4] 【×参考答案:accomplish】 (实现) them? Mr. Yang: Firstly I learned as much as I could, not only in my fields of study but in interacting with people and [5] 【×参考答案:identifying】 (确认) their needs. Then I developed a system that met those needs. After accomplishing those goals I was able to reach my highest goal—becoming one of the best computer [6] 【√参考答案:manufacturers】 (制造商) in the world. Reporter: How would you define success? Mr. Yang: Success comes from hard work and the [7] 【√参考答案:ability】 (能力) to hold [8] 【×参考答案:opportunity】 (机遇) and team work. Its not just [9] 【√参考答案:financial】 (财政的) numbers. It comes from honest attitude and quality service. Success means feeling good about yourself and what you do. Reporter: What [10] 【×参考答案:suggestions】 (建议) do you have for others seeking success? Mr. Yang: Work hard, stay focused on your goals and get well along with others. Reporter: Thank you for taking the time to come here, Mr. Yang. Mr. Yang: Youre welcome. It was my pleasure. 选词填空 Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.[题数:10;分数:5分;参考时间:10分0秒] 题 11 - 20 Passage 1 purely perceive discourage dynamics unlikely specialty reasonably sink extended actually 1. The economy in that country [11] 【√参考答案:was sinking 】 deeper and deeper into crisis. 2. My father was a historian and his [12]


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