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Greek myth Zeus(宙斯) Zeus is the King of the Gods in Greek Mythology. Zeus was viewed as a king who oversaw the universe. In Hesiod‘s Theology(神谱), he assigns the various gods their roles. In the Homeric Hymns(荷马史诗) he is referred to as the chieftain of the gods. He is also called the “Father of Gods and men”.He ruled the Olympians of Mount Olympus in ways representative as both a father as head of the family and a king. Apollo(阿波罗) Apollo is one of the most important and diverse of the Olympian deities in Greek and Roman mythology. The ideal of the kouros(不同) (a beardless, athletic youth), Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of light and the sun; truth and prophecy; medicine, healing(康复), and plague(瘟疫); music, poetry, and the arts; and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the chaste(童贞的) huntress Artemis.Apollo was worshiped in both ancient Greek and Roman religion. Athena(雅典娜) Athena is the goddess of war, civilization, wisdom, strength, strategy, crafts, justice and skill in Greek mythology. She is the virgin(原始的) patron (庇护人)of Athens. The Athenians built the Parthenon (帕台农神庙)on the Acropolis(雅典卫城) of her namesake(同名的) city, Athens, in her honour (Athena Parthenos). Aphrodite(爱神——阿佛洛狄忒) Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. The goddess known as Venus in Roman mythology. Aphrodite also appeared in many literary and painting in the West. The most influential works of art is the statue of Venus found in the cave in the Island of Milo in 1820. Oedipus complex(恋母情结) 恋母情结来源于古希腊罗马神话与传说。传说底比斯国王拉伊俄斯受到神谕警告:如果他让新生儿长大,他的王位与生命就会发生危险。于是他让猎人把儿子带走并杀死。但猎人动了恻隐之心,只将婴儿丢弃。丢弃的婴儿被一个农民发现并送给其主人养大。多年以后,拉伊俄斯去朝圣,路遇一个青年并发生争执,他被青年杀死。这位青年就是俄底浦斯。俄底浦斯破解了斯芬克斯之谜。被比斯人民推举为王,并娶了王后伊俄卡斯特。后来底比斯发生瘟疫和饥荒,人们请教了神谕,才知道俄底浦斯杀父娶母的罪行。俄底浦斯挖了双眼,离开底比斯,四处漂流。 Sphinx’s Riddle(斯芬克斯之谜) This question was like a riddle of Sphinx to them. 这个问题对他们来说是斯芬克斯之谜. How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains a Sphinx’s riddle.


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