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(4)The room gradually quieted down. (安静下来) (5)Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. (纠正) (6)Nothing dries sooner than a tear. (干) (7)Shelly was unable to calm her. (使镇静) (8)They braved the bitter cold to complete the railway. (不顾) (9)Most of these rivers empty into the Pacific Ocean. (流入) (10)Dont dirty your clothes. (弄脏) (11)He felt himself wronged. (受了委屈) (12)The newspaper had been yellowed by sunlight. (使变黄) (13)He lowered his voice. (降低) 2. 有不少形容词可用做名词。如: (1)Nobles constituted seven per cent of the population. (贵族) (2)When is your French oral? (口语课) (3)Their jobless total reached a record high since 1940. (总数) (高峰) (4)There is only one black in my class. (黑人) (5)She is investigating the ancients’ conception of the universe. (古人) (6)He is a natural for the job. (天生适合……的人) (7)It is necessary to make a distinction between right and wrong. (是与非) (8)They are running in the final . (决赛) (9)Our six-year-old is at school. (六岁的孩子) 再如: in short, for short, in general, for free, in red, in public, in common等. 即时练习:根据黑体词在句中所作句子成分, 判断其词性及其意义。 1.In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies (仙女) n. 特殊的人或事 in particular 尤其, 特别是 2. Only thus can we better the life of the people. v. 改善 3. Thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your self-image and your whole world. n. 关键 4. They finally freed themselves from slavery. v. 使自由 5. Being too anxious to help an event develop often results in the contrary to our intention. n. 相反, 对立面 6. He adjusted the lathe and readied the cutting tool. v. 准备好 7. Hes my dear. n. 亲爱的人 8. He presented his opposed opinion at the meeting. v. 提出 9. She busied herself with household work. v. 使忙碌 10.He lit a candle to light the room. v. 照亮 缩略法并不创造新词, 而只是把词缩短, 不增减意义, 也不改变意义。常见的有以下几种方法: 1. 略去后部, 保留前部。如: examination → Friday → photograph → Technology → exam 考试 Fri 星期五 photo 相片 tech 技术(的) 2. 略去前部, 保留后部。如: airplane → telephone → 3. 略去两头, 保留中部。如


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