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Paper No S5_Tue_D_29 6th International Conference on Multiphase Fl ICMF 2007, Leipzig, Germany, July 9 – 13, S5_Tue_D_29 Simulation of multiphase flows composed of large scale interfaces and dispersed fields 1)Harald Laux, Ernst A. Meese and Stein Tore Johansen, Yves Ladam, 1) 1) 1) 2)Kris M. Bansal and Thomas J. Danielson, Alexandre Goldszal and Jon Ingar Monsen 2) 3) 3) 1)SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway , ConocoPhillips, Houston,USA, 3)TOTAL, Stavanger,Norway 2) Corresponding author: Stein.T.Johansen@sintef.no Keywords: Turbulence, large scale interface, slug flow, droplets, bubbles, pipelines Abstract In the present paper we present a 3D multiphase flow model that is capable of predicting flow with coexisting continuous and dispersed phases. A quasi-3D (Q3D) pipe flow version of the 3D model has been developed by averaging the flow over horizontal slices, reducing the computational time dramatically without losing the pipe geometry and too much of the critical flow physics. By this basically two-dimensional approach it is possible to simulate sufficiently long sections of a pipe to analyze flow development and flow regime transitions. It is shown that this type of model can predict, both qualitatively and quantitatively, different types of two-phase pipe flows without a priori flow regime information. Introduction main features of the 3D model and a particular implementation of this model. Multiphase flows in pipelines are important for a variety of industries, ranging from nuclear power plants, plants for food processing, to oil and gas pipelines. These flows can Theory contain (different physical realizations of a phase). Typically, in oil numerous phases and corresponding fields In our model approach we derive Eulerian volume- and ensemble-averaged turbulent transport equations for all present fields. The starting point for the model are the single-phas


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