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T h e E xp ression of D irection of “V erb -D irection a l V erb C o n str u c tio n in C h in e se A b s t r a c t B ased on T alm y s lex icalization p attern theory and M otion ev ent fram e th eory, app ly ing th e literature data, th e paper firstly analyzes w heth er the directional features of the v erb s except d irectional verb s have th e capab ilities to contro l th e expression of th e d ire c tio n o f v e rb -d ire ctio n a l v erb ” c o n stru ctio n in m an d arin a n d co n c lu d e s th at th e direction of the con stru ction dep ends on the d irectional verb and is chosen b y th e context m ain ly. T he m a in v erb s app earin g in th is con struction m ain ly exp ress m ann er an d h a v e n o re stric tio n o n th e d irec tio n o f th e co n stru ctio n . T h e se c o n c lu s io n s a lso prove that m andarin is Satellite-fram ed L an guage. B esides, som e related top ics have b een discussed in th e article, such as the issues of space m etaphor ab out the direction of verb, the d isadvantages of sem antic analysis and form al verification in judgin g the direction of verb , th e d ifferences b etw een verbs w ith strong directional m ean in gs an d d ire ctio n a l v e rb s . L astly, th e p ap er prelim inarily contrasts d irectional verbs in m andarin w ith corresp on din g langu age com ponents in ancient C h inese and several foreign languages. B y exp loring the language prob lem s of p ath s d irection, it is show n that C h inese has gon e through a process of ch ange from V erb-fram ed L an gu age to Satellite-fram ed L anguage. Q iang (Jc) language and D ulong(^li)之)language in T ibeto-B unn an group, th ough h av ing directional affix es of h igh er degree of gram m aticalization th an d irectional v erb s in C h inese, are Satellite-fram ed L anguages. E


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