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A b str a ct Jazz, w ithout any exaggeration , that one of the m ost popular m u sic genres in th e m odern A m erican society does enchant a certain m ount of audience w ho listen the gracefu l rhythm s, enjoy the m ov ing and sym pathetic lyrics, and appreciate th e beautifu l m elody beyond the w ords. H ow ever, jazz as one of th e m ost successfu l m usic creature of A frican-A m erican has its ow n hum ble beginn ing, fluctuatin g developm ent and golden age, at the sam e tim e jazz reflecting the cu lture of the A frican A m erican s, w h ich is very im portant part of the b lack cu lture an d entire A m erican cu lture. M u sic b eing as one of the soul of b lack cu lture,w hile jazz is cradled from the real env ironm ents and h istory that b lack peop le exp eriencing. It could b e said w ithout any exaggeration that it is not authentic A m erican culture studying w ithout researching the b lack culture w ith m usic elem ents invoked. In th is paper, it m ain ly discu sses that the sp irits of A frican A m erican culture from jazz m usic w hich p lay a very sign ificant part in A m erican culture w hile created by A frican A m erican, as w ell as the A frican A m erican get in sp iration s and encouragem ent w h ile identifying and fighting for their ow n b lack cu lture in A m erican cu lture and their redem ptions through jazz m usic. K ey w ord s: Jazz A frican A m erican spirits A frican A m erican culture Identifying and F ighting R edem ptions 摘要 毫 无 疑 问 爵士 乐作 为 当今 美 国社 会 最 流 行 的音 乐流 派之 一 ,吸 引着 众 多 的听 众 ,有人倾 听她 的节奏 ,有 的则被她 凄美动人 的歌词所 打动 ,还有 的人被她难 以 形容 的优 美旋律所 陶醉 。爵士乐作为关 国黑人成功 的音 乐创作之一有着卑微 的起 源 ,曲折 的发展 的历程 和辉煌 的黄金 时代 ,同时也反 映 了与美 国黑人不可 分割 的 文化意义 ,都是美 国黑人文化 乃至整个 美 国文化 的重要组成部 分 。音乐作 为黑人 文化 的灵魂 ,而 爵士乐又源于美 国黑人最真 实地 生活坏境和历 史背景 ,可 以毫不 夸 张 的 说没有 音 乐元 素 参 与其 中的美 国黑人 文 化研 究是 不纯粹 的 。文


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