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A Stu dy of ”genben (根本) ”-class A dverb ial W ords in D eny in g S tru ctu res of M odern C h in ese A b str a c t B esides the introduction-C hapter one, there are four parts in th is paper :C hapter tw o is a brief introduction to research background of the ”genben (根 本 adverb ial w ords in deny ing structures. It defines related concepts, dem arcates scope of th is sm all class adverb ial w ord accord ing to the d ifferent syntactic structure, and d iscu sses them in the form of com b ination . C hapter three is a syntax analysis of the ”genben (根木广-class adverbial w ords in denying structures. It m ain ly describes th is sm all class adverb ial w ords from a syntactic aspect, and analyzes their cho ices and lim it problem s to tw o m ajor negative w ords }1bu (^ )}fand ”m ei(没)”.C hapter four is a sem antic analysis of the ”genben (根木 adverbial w ords in denying structures. It m ain ly analyzes variety sem antic relations of th is sm all class of the adverb ial w ords in deny ing structures, and has a com parative analysis to the d ifferences em erged in sem antics betw een these adverb ial w ords. C hapter five is a pragm atic analysis of the genben (根 本 / -class adverbial w ords in denying structures. It investigates em phatically into the d ifferent pragm atic characters of th is adverb ial class, and has a com parative analy sis to the special effects em erged in lan guage function betw een th e se a d v e rb ia l w o rd s. B ased on m ass language m aterials and prev iou s research ach iev em ents abo ut th is topic, using the m ethod of gram m atical and sem antic categories, ben efitting from M arkedness theory and presupposition in pragm atics, th is thesis investigates system atically the ”genben (根本/ ,-c\ass adverbial w ords in denying structures from new d ifferent ang les, using t


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