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* 第三讲 射线与物质的相互作用(2) Radiation Interactions with Matter 快电子与物质相互作用 A. Beta Decay /?衰变 The most common source of fast electron in radiation measurement is a radioisotope that decay by beta-minus emission. Where X, Y are the initial and final nuclear species. is the anti-neutrino Each species beta decay transition is characterized by a fixed decay energy or Q-value (beta endpoint energy Fig.1-1). The beta particle energy varies from decay to decay and can be range from zero to Q-value, see table 1-1. 1. Fast Electron Sources Table 1-1 Some “Pure” Beta-Minus Sources Nullide Half-life Endpoint energy/MeV 3H 12.26y 0.0186 14C 5730y 0.156 32P 14.28d 1.710 33P 24.4d 0.248 35S 87.9d 0.167 36Cl 3.08x105y 0.714 45Ca 165d 0.252 63Ni 92y 0.067 90Sr/90Y 27.7y/64h 0.546/2.27 99Tc 2.12x105y 0.292 147Pm 2.62y 0.224 204Tl 3.81y 0.766 Figure 1-1 The decay scheme of 36Cl and the resulting beta particle energy distribution. 解决 ?-衰变中电子的来源问题? Fermi 的 ? 衰变理论(1934): 中子和质子是核子的两个不同状态,它们之间的转变相当于两个量子态之间的跃迁,在跃迁过程中放出电子和中微子,它们事先并不存在于核内。 ?- 衰变的本质是核内一个中子变为质子,?+ 和 EC的本质是一个质子变为中子,导致产生电子和中微子的是弱相互作用。 ?-: ?+: EC: B. Internal Conversion /内转换电子 The continuum of energies produced by any beta source is inappropriate for some applications. For example, if an energy calibration is to be carried out for an electron detector, it is much more convenient to use a source of monoenergetic electrons. The nuclear process of internal conversion can be the source of conversion electrons, which are, under some circumstances, nearly monoenergetic. The internal conversion is the preceding process of beta decay of a parent species, where, the nuclear excitation energy Eex is transferred directly to one of the orbital electrons of the atom. This electron then appears with an energy given by Where Eb is its binding energy in the original electron shell. C. Auger Electron /俄歇电子 Auger electrons are roughly the analogue of internal conversion electrons when the excitation energy originates in


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