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National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Spot5同轨立体像对 Spot 5 HRS立体像对生成的10米高程精度DEM 2. 陆地卫星系列 IKONOS IKONOS: 1米全色 4米多光谱 1米全色-锐化 轨道: 680km, 太阳同步, 98.2o 倾斜 IKONOS光谱波段 红波段 .63-.69 microns (4m) 近红外 .76-.90 microns (4m) 蓝波段 .45-.52 microns (4m) 绿波段 .52-.60 microns (4m) 全色 .45-.90 微米的图像( 1m ) Since its launch in September 1999, Space Imagings IKONOS earth imaging satellite has provided a reliable stream of image data that has become the standard for commercial high-resolution satellite data products. The IKONOS satellite is the worlds first commercial satellite to collect black-and-white images with 1-meter resolution and multispectral imagery with 4-meter resolution. Sensor Characteristics The IKONOS satellite weighs about 1600 pounds. It orbits the Earth every 98 minutes at an altitude of approximately 680 kilometers or 423 miles. IKONOS was launched into a sun-synchronous orbit, passing a given longitude at about the same local time (10:30 A.M.) daily. IKONOS can produce 1-meter imagery of the same geography every 3 days. Spectral Range 1-meter black-and-white (panchromatic) 0.45 - 0.90 mm. 4-meter multispectral Blue: 0.45 - 0.52 mm Green: 0.51 - 0.60 mm Red: 0.63 - 0.70mm Near IR: 0.76 - 0.85 mm Overview of IKONOS This one-meter resolution satellite image of Manhattan, New York was collected at 11:43 a.m. EDT on Sept. 12, 2001 by Space Imagings IKONOS satellite. The image shows an area of white dust and smoke at the location where the 1,350-foot towers of the World Trade Center once stood. Since all aircraft were grounded following the attack on America its the only high-resolution view from above of the fire and destruction of the twin towers This one-meter resolution, color satellite image of the Lingshui military airfield on the southeastern coast of Hainan Island in the South China Sea, was collected at 10:32 a.m. local time on April 10, 2001 by Space Imagings IKONOS satellite. A US Navy plane made an emergency landing there after


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