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English Writing Strategy proper words in proper place 感情充沛真挚;遣词造句简练优美生动;整篇布局紧凑、浑成。 季羡林 写作策略 Soccer is a difficult sport.(1)A player must be able to run steadily without rest.(2)Sometimes a player must hit the ball with his or her head.(3)Players must be willing to bang into and be banged into by others.(4) They must put up with aching feet and sore muscles. 足球运动员必须能不停地奔跑,有时得用头顶球,撞别人或被别人撞,必须忍受双脚和肌肉的疼痛,所以说,足球运动是一项难度大的运动。 写作策略 一、谋篇策略 1、确定目的 2、仔细审题 3、立意素材 4、合理谋篇 二、成文策略 1、选词策略 2、造句策略 3、组段策略 4、成篇策略 三、策略训练 一、谋篇策略:确定目的 1. Expressive purposes. One may write simply to express ones feelings, attitudes, ideas, and so on. 2. Connotive purposes. It seeks to affect the reader, eg. persuasive or entertainment writing. 3. Informative purposes It intends to inform the reader.. 一、谋篇策略:确定目的 4. Poetic purposes. (in prose or verse form) It focus on its lang., on the way the elements of lang. are used, on structure and pattern both on the level of phrase and of the overall composition. 5. Meta-linguistic purposes. Comments on a piece of writing 6. Communicative purpose It aims to establishes and maintains contacts By Roman Jakobson 一、谋篇策略:仔细审题 提出问题,启发思路. Who What When Why Where:How: 1.审文体 弄清楚所要写的属于哪种体裁的文章.通常的作文体裁一般有记叙文、说明文、应用文等,而应用文又包括书信、通知、日记、便条等。 如:记叙文 1)确定描述出发点以及描述顺序 2)突出对描述对象的重点印象 ? 3)根据不同描述对象,选择不同描述细节 一、谋篇策略:仔细审题  1)Looking out from the glass of the window, I saw that the ground of the streets and the roofs of the neighboring houses were covered with a layer of snow. The hill which stood not far away behind the houses also had a white coat. The whole world seemed to be in white except for a small red dot in the street which suddenly caught my notice. 一、谋篇策略:仔细审题 2)She was about 10 years old, but she stood before the microphone without


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