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To have a focus: Logic relationship 老师我想写的论文题目是: Linguistic Features of English Advertisement 发现了一些特别的广告语和翻译,比如由seeing is believing ?衍生出来的 Drinking is believing 口服心服 (台湾矿泉水广告)和 tasting is believing (某巧克力广告) 还有 Typing is knowing . 不打不相识。(打字机广告) 。 Linguistic Features: Lexical: 1.程度副词; 2. 简单动词; 3. 巧用人称代词; 4.缩略语 Syntactical: 1.多用并列结构,少用主从结构; 2.多用疑问句和祈使句; 3.更多使用省略句 Rhetorical: 仿拟、拟人、比喻、双关语押韵等。 If previously you read to find facts. now you need to identify issues---research trend and gap note different approaches and/or points of view think deeply about the evidence supporting one approach or another Critical Reading to synthesize and integrate How to read critically What is the author’s position on this topic? What evidence is provided to convince me? Do the claims apply in all circumstances? Are there exceptions? How does this text compare with other material on this topic? What is my position on the topic? Why? How to read critically What authority does the author have to write on this topic? Where was it published? Is it a recent publication ( currency)? 1.产出 2.整合 3. 共情 高级英语学习的三个境界 * * 产出 Productiveness 整合 Symphony 共情 Empathy (高级)英语学习的三个境界 设计感(design)、故事力(story)、 整合力(symphony)、共情力 (empathy)、娱乐感(play)、 意义感(meaning)。 Daniel H.Pink: A Whole New Mind (one of the 10 most-influential management thinkers in the world.) 决胜未来的六种能力 1. Not just function, but also design. 2. Not just argument,but also story. 3. Not just focus,but also symphony. 4. Not just logic,but also empathy. 5. Not just seriousness, but also play. 6. Not just accumulation,but also meaning. “一个人的语言素养和能力已经成为跟他人竞争的一个必要条件。比如现在学生毕业出去找工作,招聘单位对应聘者首先考核的是语言,不是你的专业知识。跟你交谈,看你思维是否清楚,语言是否简洁、明白;让你根据所提供的资料写个产品说明或写个简报,看你的书面语表达能力如何,然后再考核其他方面。曾有记者做过调查,结果表明,一般来说一个人的语言表达能力与其收入成正比。”? 现代社会语言学的意义与功用——访中文系陆俭明教授(下,二) 产出能力 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA) 知识课程:9门 “北”(艺术、人文和社会科学)4门; “南”(工程、健康科学、数学和自然科学)3门; “桥


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