高考一轮复习第一部分基础模块夯实 M6U1.ppt

高考一轮复习第一部分基础模块夯实 M6U1.ppt

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高考一轮复习第一部分基础模块夯实 M6U1

SectionII. 单元配套 一、重点词词形变换 1. The man _____ his gun at the rabbit. (aim) 2. People ran away with their own _____ in the floods. (possess) 3. He _____ to get a high position in the company, but failed. (attempt) 4. When I was in college, a __ thought my future __ , telling me that I would be a teacher four years later and the __ was literally accomplished. (predict) 5. Now his _____ son is a famous singer. (adopt) 6. Your behavior is of no great __ . (consequent) 1. aimed 2. possessions 3. attempted 4. predictor;predictable;prediction 5. adopted 6. consequence 二、活用本单元的短语 1. The measures are _____ stopping the river from being further polluted. 2. __________ ___ , he is in poor health, but on the other hand, he seldom takes exercise. 3. The boys _________ leave for camping but were stopped by their parents. 4. This job rather ________ me. 5. Modern medicine has tended to developing highly complicated surgical techniques too much. 6. She_______________the idea that something bad would happen. 7. He___________to escape from the prison, but failed at last. 8. She shopping doing homework last year. 9. ______________ , the bitterest race hatreds broke out in that country. 1. aimed at 2. On the one hand 3. attempted to 4. appeals to 5. focus on 6. was possessed with 7. made an attempt 8. preferred;to 9. As a consequence 三、完形填空 词数: 276 建议用时: 20分钟 难度:★★★ 秘诀探寻:篇章中的上下文(1) 技巧 点拨 有时我们会对某个题目的正确选项的含义、用法不甚明了,但发现其他选项有显而易见的谬误,这时候我们可以试试排除法。 真题 导悟 1. Waiting above the crowded streets, on top of a building 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This dating Frenchman was about to___ a tightrope(绷索)between the two towers of the World Trade Center. A. throw B. walk C. climb D. fix 1.B下文中提到Philippe Petit在绷索上走了七个来回(Philippe Petit made seven trips, back and forth)。所以很明显这个大胆的法国人不是在两楼之间扔(throw)绳子,也不是顺着绳子朝上攀登(climb),更不是在两座楼间固定(fix)绳子。剩下的B(walk)当然是正确答案了。 真题 导悟 2. After what se


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