高考第一轮复习用书·英语人教选修6Unit 4.ppt

高考第一轮复习用书·英语人教选修6Unit 4.ppt

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高考第一轮复习用书·英语人教选修6Unit 4

3.Mary got a serious disease when she was in    ????. A.Murfreesboro  B.Nashville C.Philadelphia  D.Craddock 【答案与解析】A 由文章第2段的“She was born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee on January 24, 1850, and moved to Nashville in 1856, where she grew into adulthood ”和第4段 中的“Because of a serious illness when she was four”可以 推断,她是在其出生地得了重病。 4.Mary??s writings were mainly influenced by    ????. A.her education at home B.her parents?? encouragement C.her contact with mountain people D.her stay in the Nashville Female Academy 【答案与解析】C 由第5段最后一句“It was there that she gained firsthand knowledge of the character and customs of mountain people that would later influence her writings”可以 得出答案。 5.We can infer from the text that Mary    ????. A.made her family live a poor life because of her illness B.received a good education when she was young C.went to the Cumberland Mountains every spring D.published her articles under the same pen name 【答案与解析】B 由文章第3段中的“They both encour- aged their daughter??s education, so Mary grew up in a literary environment”及第4段中的“she was enrolled in the Nashville Female Academy. After graduating, she was admit- ted to Chegary Institute at seventeen”可以得出答案。 Ⅳ.能力综合 写作。满分15分。 请结合材料,按要求用英文写作,词数不少于60。 Consulting others is of benefit to broadening our horizon and knowledge. It can also develop interpersonal relationship with others and prepare ourselves for better adaptation to the chang- ing society. 要求: (1)就此材料发表你的感想; (2)应紧扣材料,有明确的观点。 ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?


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