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摘要  家庭装饰行业是国民经济的支柱产业之一,近几年来,随着市场需求的持续增长,中国家庭装饰行业正在飞速的向前发展。伴随着电子商务的蓬勃发展和新经济时代消费者的个性化和多样化需求,家庭装饰行业原有的经营理念和模式己经无法适应市场新的需求和变化,尤其是在家装的施工和设计服务方面,消费者不满意的问题十分突出,市场呼唤着创新与变革。所以系统的阐明家装行业发展的环境,其与电子商务的关系,发展方向展望,发展中的风险挑战与解决建议都具有十分重要的现实意义。  对于家居零售的电子商务来说,以往的 B2C 模式遇到了很大的瓶颈,一方面消费者需要进行产品体验,光靠在线过程无法完成订单;另一方面,目前的家居零售依赖于线下经销体系完成,B2C 的发展会对这一体系造成巨大的冲击,因而阻力重重。随着一种新的电子商务模式O2O(ONLINE TO OFFLINE,线上线下一体化)的兴起,MKL 公司探索新的发展模式。本文首先对我国家装企业的发展现状进行了分析,然后分析了互联网在家装企业中的应用,主要以家装E站网站为例,住处了家装行业互联网应用存在的问题。最后以家装E站为例,提出了互联网家装发展的保障措施,希望能抛砖引玉,对相关领域的研究有所贡献。关键词:家装行业;互联网;家装E站AbstractFamily decoration industry is a pillar industry of the national economy, in recent years, with the continuous growth of the market demand, Chinese home decoration industry is developing rapidly. With the rapid development of electronic commerce and consumers personalized and diversified needs, family decoration industry has been unable to adapt to new market demands and changes, especially in the construction and design of the home improvement. So it is very important to clarify the relationship between the development of the industry, the development of the home improvement industry, the relationship between the development of the industry, the development direction of the development, the risk of the development and the solutions.For home retail e-commerce, the B2C mode has encountered a lot of bottlenecks, on the one hand consumers need to experience the product, the light on the online process can not complete the order; on the other hand, the current home retail rely on line distribution system is completed, B2C will be a huge impact on the development of this system, and thus resistance. With the rise of a new O2O (TO OFFLINE ONLINE, online and offline integration), MKL explores the new development model.This paper analyzes the development status of Chinas domestic enterprises, and then analyzes the application of the Internet in the home improvement companies, mainly in the case of home improvement E station site, the existing



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