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基于FPGA的电梯控制器 摘 要 电梯作为现代化的产物,早在上个世纪就进入了我们的生活之中。本设计就是基于电子设计自动化(Electronic Design Automation)技术中的甚高速集成电路硬件描述语言(Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Descriion Language)语言所开发的层电梯控制程序通过程序调试及运行仿真,结果表明,本可以完成:电梯运行所在楼层指示、电梯运行方向指示、关门延时设置、看门狗报警、超载报警、故障报警等。 Abstract The lift , as the modernized result, are entered in our life in last century. This thesis designs the three - floor lift control on the basis of the electron basic on the electronic design automation(EDA) technology’s the very high-speed integrated circuit hardware describe language(VHDL). VHDL has with the concrete hardware electric circuit has nothing to do with and designs the characteristic which the platform has nothing to do with, and has the good electric circuit behavior description and the system description ability, and in language legible and has orderliness the structurization design aspect, has displayed the formidable vitality and the application potential. Introduced based on the VHDL language design elevator controller, and has carried on the electric circuit synthesis and the simulation. This controller follows the direction first principle, provides 6 floors multi user to carry passengers to serve and to instruct the elevator the movement situation. Through testing the connection of the EDA case, realize the following main functions: The lift ‘s floor shows, the lift operation direction shows; closes prolonging the dog reports to the police; overloads reporting to the police fault alarm ,etc.. Key word: VHDL, controller, EDA, elevator 1引言 1.1 选题背景 随着科学技术的发展、近年来,我国的电梯生产技术得到了迅速发展.一些电梯厂也在不断改进设计、修改工艺。更新换代生产更新型的电梯,电梯主要分为机械系统与控制系统两大部份,随着自动控制理论与微电子技术的发展,电梯的拖动方式与控制手段均发生了很大的变化,交流调速是当前电梯拖动的主要发展方向。目前电梯控制系统主要有三种控制方式:继电路控制系统(早期安装的电梯多位继电器控制系统)、FPGA/CPLD控制系统、微机控制系统。继电器控制系统由于故障率高、可靠性差、控制方式不灵活以及消耗功率大等缺点,目前已逐渐被淘汰。微机控制系统虽在智能控制方面有较强的功能,但也存在抗扰性差,系统设计复杂,一般维修人员难以掌握其维修技术等缺陷。而FPGA/CPLD控制系统由于运行可靠性高,使用维修方便,抗干扰性强,设计和调试周期较短等优点,倍受人们重视等优点,已成为目前在电梯控制系统中使用最多的控制方式,目前也广泛用于传统继电器控制系统的技术改造。 目前国内七八十年代安装的许多电梯电气部分用继电器接触器控制系统,线路复杂,接


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