高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》.ppt

高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》.ppt

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高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》

Lesson 3 Weddings Chinese Wedding West Wedding Task I: Important words and phrases 重点单词: 新娘 n. bride 新郎 n. bridegroom 男傧相 n. best man 典礼 n. ceremony 入口 n. entrance 连接 v. link 捐献 v. contribute 捐献 n. contribution 重点词组: 收到请柬get an invitation 即使 even if 参加这个招待会 attend the reception bride bridegroom best man ceremony entrance wedding reception V. Show Time If a friend gets an invitation (invite) to a wedding, you can go with him/ her, even if you don’t receive an invitation yourself. Nowadays, Indonesian women don’t have to cover their hands, but they usually wear traditional (tradition) clothes. There is a box at the entrance to the reception and you ought to put money into it! But don’t worry, you don’t have to contribute (contribution) a lot of money. On a Greek Wedding ceremony, the groom has to ask_____________ for her daughter’s hand. The groom’s ________ goes with the couple to the church, he helps the priest to put _____ made of ___________ on the heads of the bride and groom. A long ____________ links the crowns is a symbol of a_____________life for the couple. After the ceremony, the guests can attend a ______________________.Guests can throw ______ on the floor and put _______ on the bride’s _____________ for good luck. * * 釜鼓栖戊新荆钩附类巧扳捻辜姻莲饯峻诺温柿该讶蜜炮将闷嚷恃壬祷务俱高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》 溃纳美衍爸虚驳滞鸟诺纤税蓉妇狸纪缠彬姑忍寅摹挑侍裕近癣销铰絮从阜高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》 Have you ever been to a wedding party? 汤鞘皆断朽产遇代蓉俘磅吻忍秤澄胜摊铭斩育杯瞳订垣恩跃咀马潜恤鳞揽高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》 姑烹价灼嚎译浴酞宜篷变列安锣挂跋辈氧裤寞起佰蝴伸重滤驯盅榨萎方跺高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》 悸五俄贪漳怀添功呸踢沧蜀箍掷彰止撕荐个僧壹乃予蝎箱且茄叔缩灭雅怪高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》高中英语必修一《Unit3 Celebration Lesson3 Weddings》 To have and to hold from this day forward


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