Unix 应用敕令(国外英语资料).doc

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Unix 应用敕令(国外英语资料)

Unix 使用命令(国外英语资料) (1) basic command format:? The command? Parameter 1. Ls? Display file name, equivalent to DOS next dir command format: ls? [option]? The file option: - l? Display the detailed list field 1? File type and file permission domain 2? File connection number 3? File owner name field 4? File user group name field 5? File length 6-8? Recent revision date domain 9? Filename - a? Displays all files, contains hidden files (with the name of the header) -r? Display files and all subdirectories - F? Display file (heel *) and directory (heel /) - d? With the l option, display the directory name instead of its content 2. CD? Directory conversion, which is equivalent to DOS under the CD command to notice the directory delimiter as /, and the DOS in the opposite command format: CD? Dirname (3) the PWD? Display current path 4. Cat? Display file contents, equivalent to DOS under type command format: cat? Filename 5. More? View the file contents page by page. The filename? 6. The rm? Delete file command format:? The rm? [-r]? The filename? (filename? Can be a filename, or a file name abbreviation). : the rm? File1? Delete the file name? File1? Documentation. Rm? The file?? There are five characters in the delete file name, and the first four characters are file. All the documents. Rm? F *? Delete the name of the file? F? All documents for the first word. Rm? - r? The dir1-name? Delete the directory? Dir1, and all its documents and subdirectories. Create directory command format:? The mkdir? [p]? Directory - the name Exmaple? : mkdir? The dir1-name? Create a new directory? The dir1-name. Mkdir? - p? Dir/subdir? Create a multi-level directory directly. Rmdir? The delete directory directory must first be in the empty command format:? Rmdir? The directory 9. Cp? Document copy command format:? Cp? [-r]? The source? Destination example: cp? File1? File2? The document? File1? Copy into? File2 cp? File1? The dir1-name? The document? File1? Copy to the directory? The dir1-name


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