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几种踝关节骨折的概念(国外英语资料) Dupuytren fracture is the fracture of the ankle that is accompanied by the lower tibial ligament fracture, including the lower tibia and the lower part of the fibula fracture. Dupuytren fracture by pronation, outreach, composite external force caused by rotary, show the medial malleolus fracture or fracture of the deltoid ligament, the fibula fractures under a third, under the tibial phil joint damage and or not and ankle fractures after a severe ankle fracture dislocation. Parting. Ⅰ type is: the medial malleolus avulsed bone Folded (horizontal or oblique) or deltoid ligament rupture, external ankle fractures in lower tibial phil joint below, under the tibial phil before ligament rupture, interosseous ligament and under the tibia after ligament intact, mild dislocation of talus. Ⅱ type: medial malleolus avulsion fracture (transverse or short oblique) or deltoid ligament rupture, fibula located above ankle acupuncture point within 5 cm and is an oblique or short oblique fractures, the tibial phil former ligament, ligament between bone fracture, the tibial phil ankle ligament and after complete, under the tibial phil joint separation, talus to the lateral dislocation obviously. Ⅲ type: medial malleolus avulsion fracture (transverse or short oblique) or deltoid ligament rupture, fibula in 6 ~ 8 cm above the ankle acupuncture point, for a spiral fracture, fracture line below the inclined forward from the following. In addition to the fracture of the anterior tibial ligament and the interosseous ligament, it can be combined with the dissection of the tibia and the fracture of the posterior ankle. The lower tibia, which is strongly separated from the other, is seriously dislocated from the bone to the outside. A Tillaux fracture refers to the removal of the ligaments of the tibia before and after the union of the tibia, and a fracture of the tibia, usually in the anterior tuberosity of the anterior ligament, which is the anterior tubercle of the tibia


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