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高考试题探究            1.(2012四川,20)Its surprising that your brother Russian so quickly—he hasnt lived there very long. A.picked up    B.looked up C.put up        D.made up 解析 A 句意:你弟弟学习俄语如此快,真是令人惊讶——他在俄国还没待多久。pick up“学会”; look up“查阅”;put up“建造,张贴”;make up“弥补,化妆,编造”。根据句意可知答案为A项。;2.(2012天津,13)Parents and children should communicate more to the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. A.open          B.narrow      C.widen      D.leave 解析 B 句意:为了缩小代沟,进而增进彼此间的理解,父母同子女之间应该多交流。 根据句意及gap“代沟”可知narrow“使变窄”正确。open“打开”;widen“拓宽”;leave“留下”。 3.(2012湖北,22)Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and every page of my draft. A.approved    B.quoted             C.polished      D.folded 解析 C 句意:最后,我要感谢我的导师,他给我的论文提供给了很多建议和评论, 并且对我论文草稿的每一页都做了修改。polish“修改,润色”,符合句意。approve“ 赞成,认可,同意”;quote“引用,引述,引证”;fold“折叠”。;4.(2012湖北,24)Im so glad youve come here to this matter in person. A.lead to       B.see to         C.turn to     D.refer to 解析 B 句意:我很高兴你亲自来这里处理这件事。see to“处理,照料”,符合句意。lead to“导致,导向” ;turn to“求助于,求救于”;refer to“参考,查阅”。 5.(2012江西,30)We all agreed that the cottage would a perfect holiday home for the family. A.make        B.turn       C.take       D.have 解析 A 句意:我们都认为这幢小别墅非常适合全家度假时居住。 make在此用作系动词,后接名词,表示“适合作,宜用作”,符合句意。;6.(2012浙江,12)According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22. A.differ B.shrink C.fail D.decline 解析 D 句意:根据科学家的研究,我们的智力在22岁达到最高水平后从27岁开始下降。 differ“和……不同”;shrink“缩小,缩水”;fail“失败,失灵”;decline“下降,降低”。根据句意选D项。 7.(2012福建,30)Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets it. A.keep up with B.do away with C.get down to D.look forward to 解析 C 句意:我们刚搬到一所更大的房子里,有很多事情要做,我们开始干吧。 get down to“开始做……”,符合句意。keep up with“跟上,赶上”;do away with“废除”;look forward to“期待,盼望”。;8.(2012辽宁,32)The new movie to be one of the b


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