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Information retrieval and Web MiningCourse reportLINK ANALYSIS ALGORITHMS EXPLAINEDClassSoftware Engineering 1301Student ID3130608003Name赵红娜Tutors Name吴胜利Report submission date2016-12-12School of computer science and Communication Engineering2016-12-12Abstract:When scraping content from the web, you often crawl websites which you have no prior knowledge of. Link analysis algorithms are incredibly useful in these scenarios to guide the crawler to relevant pages.PageRank?is perhaps the most well known page ranking algorithm. The PageRank algorithm uses the link structure of the web to calculate a score. This score provides insight into how relevant the page is and in our case can be used to guide the crawler. Many search engines use this score to influence search results.Link farms can be improved by duplicating good pages but altering their links. An example would be mirrors of Wikipedia which add links to spam pages.HITS (hyperlink-induced topic search)?is another link analysis algorithm that assigns two scores: hub score and authority score. A page’s hub score is influenced by the authority scores of the pages linking to it, and vice versa. Twitter makes use of HITS to suggest users to follow.The idea is to compute for each page a pair of numbers called the?hub?and?authority?scores. A page is considered a hub when it points to lot of pages with high authority, and page has high authority if it’s pointed to by many hubs.Keyword:PageRank,Personalized PageRank,HITS,SALSAList1.LINK ANALYSIS ALGORITHMS EXPLAINED41.1.PageRank41.2.Personalized PageRank71.3.HITS81.4.SALSA101.5.PHITS131.6.Reputation142. reference documentation15Text:1.LINK ANALYSIS ALGORITHMS EXPLAINEDWhen scraping content from the web, you often crawl websites which you have no prior knowledge of. Link analysis algorithms are incredibly useful in these scenarios to guide the crawler to relevant pages.This post aims to provide a lightweight introduction to page ranking algorithms so you have a better unders


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