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姓名:___________________________????班级:____________________________?? 学号:___________________________????日期:____________________________?? ? 201310 试卷编号:? uiz1 考试时间:? 70?分钟 满分:? 100 分 ? Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure ???? (Each item: 1) Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1. As a reward ________ passing the exams, she got a new bike from her parents. A. in B. on C. by D. for 2. She felt like ________ frustration, but she was determined not to lose her self-control. A. to cry out of B. to cry for C. crying out of D. crying for 3. All animals communicate, but our special method of speech is __________ to human beings. A. aware B. unique C. absolute D. continual 4. The method he used turned out to be _______ in improving the students English. A. effective B. ability C. response D. explicit 5. The boss refused to give any _______ on the fact that his workers were out of jobs. A. response B. comment C. answer D. reply 6. The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who ______ the murder last week. A. limited B. made C. did D. committed 7. They had to examine the dead tiger before they were _______ as to who killed it. A. positive B. senior C. virtual D. vital 8. He could be ________ about everything else in the world, but not about Manet, his loving child. A. visual B. critical C. favorite D. essential 9. Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that ________ in the city. A. founded B. raised C. arose D. produced 10. Some previous study of music or performance experience is desirable though not a formal ________ for students wishing to take the course. A. requirement B. commitment C. management D. assignment 11. He has surely ________ his government to continuing down the path of economic reform. A. commented B. communicat


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