新课标Book5 unit1 Language points.ppt

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新课标Book5 unit1 Language points

* 1. Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet? diet 指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物。 food 是一般的用语,凡能吃能喝的具有营养的东西都称为food。 强调种类时,food 可用复数。 diet n. 饮食,食物 Proper _____ and exercise are both important for health. Many sweet _______ are on sale in the store. Milk is the _____ for babies. foods diet food 【常用表达】 balanced / healthy / poor diet 均衡的/健康的/不良的饮食 vegetarian / high-fibre diet 素食/高纤维的饮食 a diet of fish / fruit / potatoes 只吃鱼/水果/土豆的饮食 be on a diet 节食 2. balance v. 权衡、平衡、对比 1) We must balance the two plans. 2) Can you balance yourself on skates? n. 天平、称 e.g. weigh sth. in the balance 用天平称…… 【常用表达】 keep / lose one’s balance 保持/失去平衡 be off balance 使失去平衡 out of balance 失去平衡 a sense of balance 平衡感 the balance of nature 自然生态平衡 balance beam 平衡木 a favorable balance 入多于出 a unfavorable balance 入不敷出 翻译下列句子。 1. 你能单脚站立多久? 2. 实验室的天平与商店里的秤在什么方 面有所不同? How long can you balance on one foot? In what way is a laboratory balance different from a balance found in a store? -ing 形式短语做伴随状语。 He placed two tables together, spreading all the papers out on them. Pretending to look frightened, I backed towards the door. 3. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. 1) Nora stood at the bus stop, ___________ ___________. 娜拉站在公共汽车站旁看报纸。 ___________________________, you can have a better view of the city. 站在山顶上, 你能更好地看到这个城市。 reading a Standing on the top of the hill newspaper 3) Olive came _____________________. 奥丽夫跑步来到大楼前。 4) “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, ____ out of the window. A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked running to the building A frustrated 是形容词,意为“ 失望的,失意的” 他感到既失意又恼火。 He feels frustrated and angry. frustrate v. 使挫败, 使不成功 The bad weather frustrates our hopes of having a picnic. 坏天气使我们野餐的愿望无法实现。 4. “Nothing could be better.” he thought.


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