新青版2A unit1.ppt

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新青版2A unit1

The dog is playing the piano. The dog is not\isn’t playing the piano. Is the dog playing the piano? Yes, it is.\ No, it isn’t. What is the dog doing? 弹钢琴!So easy! 瞧,俺们的舞跳得咋样? The bears are dancing on the ice. The bears are not\aren’t dancing on the ice. Are the bears dancing on the ice? Yes, they are.\No, they aren’t. Where are the bears dancing? 瞧,俺们的舞咋样? Call me “baby” The baby is swimming happily. The baby isn’t swimming happily. Is the baby swimming happily? Yes, he is.\No, he isn’t. How is the baby swimming? Call me baby” 这张床好舒服啊! 走开!回家睡去! The two babies are sleeping on the bed. The two babies aren’t sleeping on the bed. Are the two babies sleeping on the bed? Yes, they are.\ No, they aren’t. How many babies are sleeping on the bed? 这张床好舒服啊! 走开!回家睡去! [??] bring ring sing thing [??k] drink rink sink think Paul is eating a sandwich. 变一般疑问句 Is Paul eating a sandwich. 否定:No, he isn’t.肯定:Yes, he is. Paul isn’t eating a sandwich. 对划线部分提问 What is Paul doing?对划线部分提问 Who is eating a sandwich. I am drinking coffee. 否定句为: I am not drinking coffee. 一般疑问句 Are you drinking coffee. 肯定Yes, I am. 否定 I am not.对划线提问 What are you doing? What is he doing? What is she doing? What is she doing? What is he doing? What is he doing? What is he doing? What is she doing? 纽约是美国第一大都市和第一大商港,它不仅是美国的金融中心,也是全世界金融中心之一 。 英国的伦敦是世界最大的国际外汇市场和国际保险中心,也是世界上最大的金融和贸易中心之一。 日本首都东京是一座现代化的国际城市,是世界上人口最多的城市之一。 法国的巴黎,艺术之都,浪漫之都, 建筑之都 中国的香港,是全球第十一大贸易体系、第六大外汇市场及第十二大银行中心。香港股票市场规模之大,在亚洲排名第二。 芝加哥是美国第三大城市,五大湖地区最大工业中心。 洛杉矶是美国科技的主要中心之一,拥有科学家和工程技术人员的数量位居全美第一,享有“科技之城”的称号,著名的硅谷就坐落这里。 新加坡是东南亚的一个岛国 ,世界交通咽喉,五分之一货船经过的花园城市。 悉尼,南半球的珍珠,典型的移民城市 韩国的首尔,又名为汉城。 2009年库尔勒市被评为全国文明城市,天鹅栖息孔雀河。 Where is Karen ,and who is she waiting for? 1青少版新概念2A课文视频\琅琅青少年新概念2A unit1 标清.flv Who can help me answer it? Linda: Hi, Karen! Where are you? Where…? where是用于提问地点的疑问词,引导特殊疑问句. where:哪里(状语)   what :什么   what colour: 什么颜色(表语)   what time:问时间点   what weather:什么天气   what s


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