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New Years Day January 1st →When the new year comes, people usually at home or in a local bar, held a party with family or friends. →Fireworks is one of the symbols of the new year, wonderful fireworks show always held at the famous landmarks.At the stroke of midnight, people are with cheers, horn, whistle, kiss or toast and a variety of ways to celebrate the new year. →The Queen delivers the New Year speech. →People worship at church on New Years Eve. Cards, flowers, kisses, hugs will be gifts for people to express love to their lover. ? In third Century, in the Empire of Rome there is a general crisis, economic depression, the ruling class corruption, turbulent society, and peoples resistance. The aristocracy in order to maintain its rule, brutally suppressed the people and Christians. There is a Quaker named Valentine, was arrested and put into prison. While in prison, he struck the governors daughter, with a sincere heart. They love each other and he got her care. The ruling class made an order for his execution. Before his death, he wrote her a long letter saying that he is innocent and loved her very much. In February 14th 270, he was sentenced to death, later, Christians commemorate Valentine for justice, for the pure love and sacrifice. The day Saint Valentines Day was later changed to Valentines day. St. Patricks Day March 17th This day, the world of Irish people, to be held in a grand event in the local. St. Patricks Day is a festival to commemorate the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. The day also is the Irish National Day. In legend, he drove the snakes away from Ireland, and the land was covered with increasing number of clover , which has become a symbol of this country. 4月1日 愚人节(April Fools Day) 通常朋友或同事之间开些无伤大雅的玩笑,但必须是在中午12点以前。 Good Friday 耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五) 最后的晚餐以及对13和fri的忌讳 4月15日-16日 (耶稣)复活节(Easter) 该节日是庆祝基督(Jesus Christ)的复活,过节时人们多吃复活节彩蛋(Easter eggs),送给儿童巧克力做的复活彩蛋作为礼物。 10月31日 万圣节(All S


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