英语九年级全人教新课标Unit 10 Section A 2.ppt

英语九年级全人教新课标Unit 10 Section A 2.ppt

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英语九年级全人教新课标Unit 10 Section A 2

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. 4a be supposed to be expected to be important to 1. When you go aboard, it _____________ bring your passport. 2. After class, students ______________ clean the chalk off the blackboard. 3. If you visit the northern coast of Norway during the winter season, it _____________ pack warm clothes. is important to are supposed to is important to n. 护照 clean off 把……擦掉 adj. 北方的; 北部的 n. 海岸; 海滨 n. 季节 n. 黑板 n. 粉笔 4. If there are people in the meeting room, you ______________ knock before entering. 5. In many eastern European countries, you ______________ take off your gloves before shaking hands. are expected to are supposed to v. 敲; 击 n. 敲击声; 敲击 take off 脱下(衣服); (飞机等)起飞 adj. 东方的; 东部的 Switzerland It’s in Europe. What do you know about Switzerland? It’s the capital of clocks and watches. n. 首都 What do you know about Colombia? Colombia It’s in South America. It is famous for its coffee. In which country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner? In Colombia. Where I’m from, we’re pretty relaxed about time. We don’t like to rush around, so we don’t mind if people are a little late sometimes. If you tell a friend you’re going to their house for dinner, it’s OK if you arrive a bit late. We like to enjoy our time slowly. We value the time we spend with our family and Teresa Lopez Cali, Colombia friends in our everyday lives. We often just drop by our friends’ homes if we have time. We don’t usually have to make plans to meet our friends. When we see each other, it’s polite for boys to shake hands and for girls to kiss each other on the side of the face. We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can! Marc LeBlanc Lausanne, Switzerland In Switzerland, it’s very important to be on time. We’re the capital of clocks and watches, after all! If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon, then you’re expected to be there at noon.


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