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高一UNIT4 Using language
3. This story is about how the dodo and Man became friends. This one only explains half the story. The dodo and Man did become friends but only because man wanted to kill all the dodos as easily as possible. F 4. This story is about how the other birds and animals tried to save the dodo. This one is wrong because the other animals and birds did not do much to save the dodo. They warned him but did not help him. F The story of the dodo Once upon a time I lived on the island of Mauritius. I was called “dodo”. There were many of us and we were friends with all the other animals on the island. One day a new animal came to my island. His name was Man, and at first we seemed to be good friends. We went everywhere together and I shared my food with him. Listening text However, I began to wonder why several of my dodo friends had disappeared. Then the number of our species began to decrease quickly. I was so worried that I asked the other animals and they all told me, “Your friends are being killed and eaten by Man while you are hunting for food.” Had Man eaten them? I couldn’t believe it! When I asked Man directly, he seemed surprised. “I haven’t seen the other dodos either.” he said. “Maybe someone else killed them.” I believed him but when more dodos disappeared I set a trap. I went off as if I was going to hunt but instead I hid in the forest and waited. Sure enough Man came along. He ran after the last of my dodo friends and killed her. I felt so angry that I rushed out of my hiding place and straight at Man’s spear. He killed me too. After that there were no more dodos in the world. So my motto is: be careful who you trust. 渡渡鸟是一种不会飞的鸟, 仅产于非洲的岛国 毛里求斯。肥大的体型总是使它步履蹒跚, 再加上 一张大大的嘴巴, 使它的样子显得有些丑陋。幸好 岛上没有它们的天敌, 因此, 它们安逸地在树林中 建窝孵卵, 繁殖后代。 16世纪后期,带着来复枪和猎犬的欧洲人来到了 毛里求斯。不会飞又跑不快的渡渡鸟厄运降临了。 欧洲人来到岛上后, 渡渡鸟就成了他们主要的食物 来源。从这以后, 枪打狗咬, 鸟飞蛋打, 大量的渡渡 鸟被捕杀。就连幼鸟和蛋也不能幸免。开始时, 欧洲人每天可以捕杀到几千只到上万只渡渡鸟, 可是由于过度的捕杀, 很快他们每天捕杀的数量 越来越少, 有时每天只能打到几只了。 1681年, 最后一只渡渡鸟被残忍的杀害了, 从此, 地球上再也见不到