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摘要 摘要 因为有了光我们的世界才变得五彩缤纷,也因为有了色我们的生活才更加 绚烂多姿。人们通过有色的眼睛去观看世界,去认识自我,表达情感。在色彩 的形式语言上,通过研究纳比派的艺术形式使我们了解艺术的别样美丽。艺术 源于生活,而又高于生活,它是生活的写照,是生活的凝练。纳比派艺术家们 在平凡的生活中注入个人的情感体验,再通过艺术的加工提炼成艺术作品。纳 比派的最终形成得益于印象主义和东方绘画对其的影响,从纳比派画家们的艺 术作品中分析研究纳比派的色彩运用。简单的构图形式,单纯的色彩,朴素的 色调,形成了极为简约且具有装饰美感的画面。纳比派画家们以绘画的形式向 人们展示他们对生活的理解对艺术的诠释,他们对色彩不倦的探索,对于艺术 不断的追求,给我们的艺术创作道路开创了一片新的天地,为我们审美理想的 实现指出了一条新的道路。 关键词:纳比派;勃纳尔;维亚尔;色彩 II 万方数据 Abstract ABSTRACT Because of the light our world become colorful, also because of the color our life more colourful. People by colored eyes to see the world, to know his own self and express emotion. In colour on the form of language, by studying the nabis sent another beautiful art form that we understand art. Art comes from life, and higher than life, it is the reflection of life, is refining of life. Nabis pie artists into individual emotional experience in ordinary life, and through art processing refined into works of art. Nabis pie eventually form thanks to impressionism and Oriental painting to its influence, from nabis pie painters works of art in the analysis and study the colors of nabi pie. Simple form of composition, pure color, simple tonal, formed the extremely contracted aesthetic feeling and has adornment picture. Nabis pie and painters in the form of painting to show their understanding of the life of the interpretation of art, their colour tireless exploration, the constant pursuit of art, to our art road opened a new heaven and earth



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