新型熔炼工艺下gh4169 合金的凝固组织控制研究.pdf

新型熔炼工艺下gh4169 合金的凝固组织控制研究.pdf

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新型熔炼工艺下gh4169 合金的凝固组织控制研究

第23卷  第5期 材  料  科  学  与  工  艺 Vol23 No5     20 15年10月 MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Oct. 2015             doi: j.issn - 10.11951/ .1005 0299 新型熔炼工艺下GH4169合金的凝固组织控制研究 施  琦,王  磊,王  杰 (东北大学 材料各向异性与织构教育部重点实验室,沈阳 110819) 摘  要:为探求新型熔炼工艺(三联)下GH4169合金大型重熔锭组织调控、元素偏析改善的方法,研究了熔速对氩气保护 电渣重熔GH4169合金重熔锭枝晶间距、Laves相的尺寸及分布和显微疏松的影响,定量分析了熔速对组织与成分偏析的影 响规律.研究发现:随着熔速的增加,GH4169合金重熔锭边缘处的枝晶间距基本保持不变;中心处二次枝晶间距呈增大趋 势.边缘和中心处的疏松尺寸随熔速增加变化平缓,R/ 2处先增大后减小.心部的Laves相比例较高且随着熔速增加呈上升 趋势,而R/ 2处趋势相反;重熔锭不同部位的偏析区比例随熔速无明显变化.枝晶间距越小,越有利于减轻偏析. 关键词:GH4169合金;偏析;枝晶间距;显微疏松;熔速 - - - 中图分类号:TF141 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005 0299(2015)05 0065 06 Microstructure control of GH4169 alloy during a new melting and solidification process SHI Qi,WANG Lei,WANGJie (Key Lab for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110819,China) Abstract: In order to reduce micro⁃segregation in large volume GH4169 ingot produced by electroslag remelting processandimproveitsqualitybyoptimizingthemicrostructure,theinfluenceofvariousmeltingrate on the dendrite arm spacing,size and distribution of Laves phase and micropores in different regions of the ingot were investigated. It was found that the dendrite arm spacing close to the edge of the remelting ingot almost remained the same despite the increase of the melting rate,while the secondary dendrite arm spacing became larger in the central part. Melting rate hadweak impact on the dimension of micropores near the edge and center,however the dimension of micro


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