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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 GRE写作issue满分素材之垄断形式-智课教育旗下智课 教育 想要在GRE作文部分的考试中写出优秀的文章,论据素材是重要的 一环。那么今天小编为考生分享一些能够帮助考生在GRE写作考生中脱 颖而出的素材经验,GRE写作issue满分素材之垄断形式。 好的论据不仅能帮助你支撑观点,加强说服力,还能体现出考生在 阅读量上的积累和深厚扎实的语言功底基础。特别是ISSUE作文,更是 需要大量好素材作为储备,才能保证考生无论遭遇那种题目,都能游刃 有余地完成一篇高分作文的写作。小编为大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各 类题目的精品优质素材,GRE写作issue满分素材之垄断形式,一起来看 吧。 四大垄断形式II :信托 B. Trust American history is replete with attempts by producers either to organize or to engage in practices that give them, in effect, monopoly power, although competition may still appear to exist. One of the earliest means used by producers to create an effective monopoly while retaining some semblance of competition was the trust. This is a device by which the real control of a company is transferred to an individual or small group by an exchange of shares of stock for trust certificates, which are issued by the individuals seeking control. The widespread abuse of this technique after the American Civil War eventually led to passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), a law designed to make illegal all trusts and other combinations that aimed to create monopolies in restraint of interstate commerce. A similar device is the holding company, which issues its own stock shares for sale to the public and “holds” or controls other companies by owning their shares. Such an arrangement is not necessarily illegal, unless created specifically to monopolize commerce in interstate trade. 四大垄断形式III :卡特尔 C. Cartels Today perhaps the best-known form of combination is the cartel because of the widespread attention given to the activities of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC. A cartel is an organization formed by producers whose purpose is to allocate market shares, control production, and regulate prices. OPEC does all these things, but its most highly publicized acts have been to set the world price for


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