1Global Trade Item Number (GTIN,全球交易品项码) - GS1 Taiwan.PPT

1Global Trade Item Number (GTIN,全球交易品项码) - GS1 Taiwan.PPT

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1Global Trade Item Number (GTIN,全球交易品项码) - GS1 Taiwan

本章節重點:GTIN作為品項號碼,用於辨識單品、物流單元、位置與資產等項目。 * The GS1 System Architecture is based on three concepts that are linked to each other - “Identify – Capture – Share “ Here we see a visual representation of the GS1 System Architecture based on these three key concepts : Identify comprises the wide portfolio of Identification Keys and other structured data Capture includes the data carriers that support the ID Keys Share includes the different processes developed by GS1 to share the information gathered at the Identify and Capture levels. * * 本課程內容也是「條碼管理師」考試範圍,條碼管理師認證辦法細節如附件 號碼: GTIN 13, GTIN14 符號: EAN 13, ITF 14 課堂上以實物示範測量曲度30度的方法 條碼符號印刷的最佳位置在商品背面的右下方,次佳位置是在商品正面的右下方。 提醒廠商注意壺狀沙拉油的最右側是錯誤的,在操作時極不順手。 大型的重量極商品建議放置兩個符號,一是在商品背面右下角,一是在商品正面右上方。大型商品結帳的時候, 通常仍放在推車中,不用拿上來到輸送台,方便在結帳的時候,收銀員以手持式的掃描器掃瞄條碼符號。 雜誌在封面左下角、書籍在封底右下角 解釋2位數字和5位數字的附加碼用法 課堂上以實物示範測量曲度30度的方法 每一字元由2條Space及2條Bar所組合而成,而又細分成7等分,因此能組合不同粗細比例的線條字元, 因此能組合不同粗細比例的線條字元,這就是UPC及EAN碼字元編碼的基礎 * 當印出最後包裝的條碼時 , 需考量到符號的方向, 大部分印表機在印刷時條碼符號的線條的方向要與紙捲或餵紙的方向平行, 在數位印表上亦然. See UCC Guidelines for Producing Quality Symbols, Section 1.5. 課堂上以實物示範測量曲度30度的方法 * * Now, getting back to the checkouts. What do customers see, Poor customer service Frustrated staff and customers Products that cause delays at the checkout are frequently avoided. Sorry you had to wait! What do we see? Getting it right first time is cheaper than having to fix it afterwards. Effects on POS and replenishment systems. Inability to sell products globally. * * 在號碼分配前,要先想好符號放置的位置。 很多案例,條碼符號看起來很不錯,但經過包裝之後卻被破壞或遮掩掉掃描不到。 請指出以下各個圖利的問題點: * 透明…折角處 * 此圖左側安全空間(淨空區)不足,但是橘色可以當底色。 * Remember that the symbol size is actually an area slightly larger than the bars and spaces. All UCC/EAN symbols have an area on the left and right of the symbol which should be the same color as the spaces in the symbol. One UCC/EAN symbol, the ITF-14, also requires bearer bars surrounding the symbol. See UCC Guidelines for Producing Quality Symbols, Section 1.8.5. * 印前看到的面寬,在印刷之後的結果有很大的不同。而掃描器看


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