Are you feeling sad ?概要1.ppt

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Are you feeling sad ?概要1

a. Is Lingling feeling sad? b. Is Lingling feeling angry? c. Is Lingling feeling bored? d. What is Lingling thinking about? e. What is she going to give Amy on her birthday? 学习任务: 能够谈论自己及他人的情绪和感受 For example: Are you feeling sad/bored/angry? Module 9 Feelings Unit 1 Are you feeling sad? 火眼金睛: what think China miss make you play chess matter cake birthday want of course 火眼金睛: what 什么 think想,认为 China 中国 miss想念 make做 you你 play chess 下棋 matter麻烦事 cake 蛋糕birthday生日 want想要 of course当然 Task: 听力 小能手: ( )1、Does Lingling miss China? A、Yes,she does. B、No,she doesn’t. ( )2、Does she want to play chess? A、 Yes,she does. B、No,she doesn’t ( )3、Whose birthday is it? A、Lingling’s. B、Amy’s. SOS: Chant happy happy哈哈哈 boredbored真无聊 angry angry哼哼哼 sad sad呜呜呜 动动脑: “T” or “F” 1、Lingling is sad.She misses China. 2、Amy is feeling bored. She wants to play chess. 3、Lingling is thinking. 4、Lingling wants to make a cake for Amy. Are you feeling…? Are you feeling angry? Yes,I am. Are you feeling sad? Yes, I am. Homework: 1、复习今天学习的课文Are you feeling sad?能够复述课文的主要内容; 2、认读课文第二部分; 3、记忆单词:happy、sad、angry、bored * Are you feeling sad? 第五册 Module9 Unit1 (三年级起点) 三门小学 Fan Cuiyun happy sad angry bored Are you feeling…? Thinking and answer. a. Is Lingling feeling sad? No, she isn’t. b. What’s she going to do? She’s going to make you a surprise cake on your birthday. a. Do you miss China?你想念中国了吗? b.What are you thinking about? 你在想什么呢? c. It’s a secret. 这是一个秘密。 d. I’m going to make you a surprise cake on your birthday. 我打算在你生日时为你制作一个使人意外的蛋糕。 happy Are you feeling happy? angry Are you feeling angry? bored Are you feeling bored? sad Are you feeling sad? Question: Module9 Feelings Unit 1 Are you feeling sad? 1、学习目标:学会运用Are you feeling …?与他人交流自己的情绪和感受,并询问他人的情绪和感受; 2、情感目标:懂得关心他人,体恤家长,营造融洽关爱的


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