Asians in the Promised Land要点概要1.ppt

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Asians in the Promised Land要点概要1

Asians in the Promised Land ——Summary for Extensive Reading Main idea The passage is about the living condition of Asians in the Promised Land—USA.They were in an isolated and helpless state,singles out for resentment. For those Asian-Americans,culture crisis and identity crisis are also alarming. But whatever happen,the blood flowing in the vessels of Asian-Americans are forever partly same as their Asian ancestor,which they should never forget . Main points 1.the Los Angeles riots洛杉矶骚乱 Asian-Americans became conscious of the defenders isolated attitude dilemma:for many of them,America is home,but the riots represented an assault on their faith 2.All the vices: Asian-Americans embodied the American Dream of hard work,thrift and success,be seen as the model minority,but they rebel against it as another insidious stereotype. 3.Hard work: Asian-Americans are becoming legalistic The pull of two cultures can create an identity crisis. Young people search for authentic Asianness.dont feel accepted as an Asian from the motherland——they dont know their culture,by the white American culture either. 4.Racial slurs: Hurdles of skin color. The fact is that Asian-Americans like Koreans strike out on their own because they have hit or afraid they will hit a glass ceiling(a invisible barrier for promotion). street gangs 5.Martyrs: Asian-Americans and African-Americans are similar in some suffering area. But Asian-Americans have an easier time shrugging off discrimination. 6.Credit clubs: Many Asian communities survived in USA bucause of wits and family connections. But they lack of a larger sense of unity. The thing that unites Asian-Americans of different ethnicities is not being Asian——its being American.Its the sensation of being different in American that is the common ground. After the L.A riots,they began to see themselves in terms of their bonds,not their differences. As time and generations pass,groups tend to meld more easily into one another,and into America. Our Que


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