asking the way概要1.ppt

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asking the way概要1

* Review of Unit 2 Teacher: Miss Zeng post office, library, hotel, restaurant, bank, supermarket, street, pay phone, park, swimming pool, school, hospital, classroom, factory, net bar, garden, office, market, zoo, TV station, mall, beach, museum, gym, bus stop, bus station, subway station, bakery, playground, farm, police station, restroom, drugstore, cafe, department store, garage, forest, university, college, cinema, theater, barber shop, radio station, church, gallery…… 中考链接 2、地点理解。 1、方位代词。 3、常用短语及词组。 要求掌握 4、问路和指路习惯用语。 方位词 on, in, under, in front of, in the front of, near, behind, beside, next to, across from 在你和我之间 在课室的前部 在桌子底下 在房子后面 在门附近 紧靠着商店旁边 在学校的对面 在盒子里 在医院前面 between you and me in the front of the classroom under the table behind the house near the door next to the shop across from the school in the box in front of the hospital 在中心街 在……对面 紧靠……的旁边 在……和……之间 在……前面 在附近 直走 向左转 on Center Street across from next to between… and… in front of in the neighborhood go straight turn left 顺着街往下走 在右边 在某人的右边 散步 在……的开端 玩的开心 一幢带花园的房子 go down the street on the right on one’s right take a walk at the beginning of… enjoy oneself/have fun a house with a garden 去……的路 弹吉他 乘出租车 经过银行 到达 沿着这条街直走 在那边 欢迎来到…… the way to… play the guitar take the taxi pass the bank get to go along this street over there Welcome to…. Ask -Excuse me.Is there a hotel near/around here? -Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? -Where is the hotel? -How can I get to the hotel? -Can you tell me how I can get to the hotel? -Can you tell me how to get to the hotel? -Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the hotel? -Which is the way to the hotel? answer -- go straight, turn left, on the right, It’s next to/behind/across from the…. --on your right, go down the street, You can find the … on your right. --walk along the street, There is a bank on the left. It’s between the hotel and the school. --Turn right at the second turning. Take the second turning on the right . --Go on until you reach …. 2、


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