基于信息流的武汉城市圈城乡文化空间结构研究 - 人文地理.pdf

基于信息流的武汉城市圈城乡文化空间结构研究 - 人文地理.pdf

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基于信息流的武汉城市圈城乡文化空间结构研究 - 人文地理

人文地理 2015年第1期总第141期 文章编号:1003-2398(2015)01-0105-07 DOI:10.13959/j.issn. 1003-2398.2015.01.017 基于信息流的武汉城市圈城乡文化空间结构研究 1,2 1,2 1,2 朱媛媛 ,曾菊新 ,韩 勇 (1.华中师范大学地理过程分析与模拟湖北省重点实验室,武汉430079 ; 2.湖北省发展和改革委员会/华中师范大学武汉城市圈研究院,武汉430079 ) STUDYSTUDY ONON SPATIALSPATIAL STRUCTURESTRUCTURE OFOF URBAN-RURALURBAN-RURAL CULTURESCULTURES ININ WUHANWUHAN CITYCITY CIRCLECIRCLE BASEDBASED ONON THETHE FLOWFLOW OFOF INFORMATIONINFORMATION ZHU Yuan-yuan1,2 , ZENG Ju-xin1,2 , HAN Yong1,2 (1.Key Laboratory forGeographicalProcessAnalysisSimulationHubeiprovince,CentralChinaNormal University,Wuhan430079,China;2.Academy ofWuhanMetropolitanArea,HubeiDevelopment andReformCommissionCentralChinaNormalUniversity,Wuhan430079,China) Abstract:Abstract: The spatial structure of urban-rural cultures includes that the cultural elements own their relative lo- cation and relationship, their interaction, mutual adaptation, the degree of agglomeration, and relative equilib- rium relation between urban and rural areas in space. First and foremost, following the generalization that cultural information usually flows from the higher-grade nodes to lower-grade ones and the basic theoretical orientation of modern cultural communication, we manage to construct the tuberous measure index system for urban- rural cultural nodes in Wuhan city circle according to the representation of cultural information flow. Finally the tuberosity of the cultural nodes based on the spatial buffer and spline curve is analyzed with ArcGIS. From the view of point, line and surface, the paper demonstrates the evolution of the spatial struc- ture o


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