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Ⅰ.立体式复习单词  A.基础单词 1. n.艺术家 2. adj.当代的  3. n.图画 4. n.景色;风景 5. adj.有活力的;有生气的  6. n.方面 7. n.风格 8. vi.以……为目标;打算;意欲 9. vt.忍受 10. adj.不寻常的;非凡的 11. vt.破坏;毁坏 B.词汇拓展 12. n.爱好;嗜好→ n.憎恶;不喜欢 13. vt.绘画;(用颜料)画→ n.画家→ n.绘画;油画 14. adj.传统的;习俗的→ n.传统;习俗 15. vt.观察;注意到→ n.观察者→ n.观察;观测;观察力 16. vt.领悟;了解;实现→ n.真实;现实;逼真 17. v.采纳;采用→ n.收养;采取 18. n.展览→ v.展览 19. n.表现;表达→ v.表达 【答案】 1.artist 2.contemporary 3.drawing 4.scene 5.alive 6.aspect 7.style 8.aim 9.stand 10.unusual 11.destroy 12.like;dislike 13.paint;painter;painting 14.traditional;tradition 15.observe;observer;observation 16.realise;reality 17.adopt;adoption 18.exhibition;exhibit 19.expression;express Ⅱ.递进式回顾短语 A.短语互译 1. 对……厌烦 2. 喜欢;喜爱 3. 从……可以看出 4. put off 5. take turns 6. a series of B.用上面的短语的适当形式完成下列句子 7.They drive so that they wouldnt be too tired. 8.I could his tone that he was disappointed. 9.I living such a dull life. 10.Weve had to our wedding until May. 11.He drawing when he was a child. 【答案】 1.be/get tired of 2.be fond of 3.tell by 4.推迟;延期 5.轮流 6.一系列的 7.took turns to 8.tell by 9.am tired of 10.put off 11.was fond of 完形填空解题技法(四) 文化背景法 【实例透析】  1.(2012·课标全国卷)Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It speaks 36 than words... 36.A.straighter      B.louder C.harder D.further 【解析】 B 根据首句的内容可知此处表示身势语比话语表达更为“响亮”。这里恰如其分地描述了身势语在人际交流中的作用。考生可联想“Actions speak louder than words.”。 【易错警示】  此题易误选straighter,因为我们认为身势语在交流中更加直接忽视了前面一句中的secret对身势语的限定。 2.(2012·课标全国卷)...But whatever the situation,the best 54(advice) is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be 55 . 55.A.noticed B.treated C.respected D.pleased 【解析】 B 此


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