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* * * * * * * The operando Raman spectroscopy is defined as simultaneous in situ Raman spectroscopic observation of the catalyst and online reaction product analysis (e.g., MS, IR, GC, etc.) under relevant reaction conditions. This technology combines the characterization of the catalytic material with the simultaneous measurement of activity/selectivity. So, it can directly establish fundamental structure-activity/selectivity relationship and determine the catalytically active phase or sites of a catalyst. However, the number of operando Raman spectroscopy studies reported to date in the catalysis literature are still rather limited. The concept of operando Raman spectroscopy was only recently well defined in the literature in 2002. In its relatively short period, this method has made a significant impact in the catalysis word, especially with regards to determination of the active phase and structure-activity relationship of a catalyst. * Mo/SiO2催化剂的原位拉曼光谱表征 原位拉曼对金属氧化物的光谱研究主要集中在氧化反应中其结构的变化。 脱水条件下,氧化硅负载氧化钼的拉曼光谱在980cm-1处给出孤立的表面钼物种的Mo=O端基振动,其他诸峰为氧化硅载体的拉曼峰。在甲烷氧化反应中,表面钼物种保持了上述状态;而在甲醇氧化反应中,表面钼物种转化为晶相b-MoO3。 He/O2气氛下500oC脱水 500oC下甲烷氧化 300oC下甲醇氧化 采用原位拉曼技术,可以在真实工作条件下,研究反应气氛对表面活性相结构的影响。 低载量Mo/g-Al2O3催化剂紫外拉曼光谱表征 0.1 wt%Mo/Al2O3紫外可见漫反射光谱和拉曼光谱 由于可见拉曼光谱的灵敏度低和荧光干扰,低载量金属氧化物催化剂的研究较为困难。而过渡金属氧化物在紫外区有荷电跃迁吸收,因此选择合适的紫外激光进行共振激发,可有效得到低载量催化剂的紫外拉曼光谱。 四配位氧化钼的吸收 六配位氧化钼的吸收 由于244nm激光线位于四配位Mo=O键的荷电跃迁区,故其激发的拉曼光谱中出现四配位Mo=O键的325和910 cm-1的弯曲和对称伸缩振动峰,及其在1802和2720 cm-1的二倍频和三倍频峰; 由于325nm激发线位于Mo-O-Mo桥键的紫外吸收带,故325nm激发线激发的拉曼光谱可观察到六配位Mo-O-Mo反对称伸缩振动的基频和倍频峰。 Uv Raman spectra of Zr(OH)4 calcined at different tamperatures (244-nm laser) XRD patterns of Zr(OH)4 举例 ZrO2相结构的Raman表征 —m-ZrO2 —t-ZrO2 焙烧 温度 XRD和Raman均表明,随焙烧温度提高,m/t 比例增加,但二者给出信息有不同 Uv Raman:400℃时, m+t; 700℃ 时, m XRD结果: 各焙烧温度下均为 m+t ZrO2相结构的Raman表征 Intensity Raman shift/cm-1 —m-ZrO2 —t-ZrO2 Visible Raman spectra of Zr(OH)4 calcined at different tamperatures (532-nm laser) —m-ZrO2 —t-ZrO2 Raman shift/cm-1 Uv Raman spectra of Zr(OH)4 calcin


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