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a. If Tom ________ (be) more careful in the exam, he ________________ (pass) it already. b. If you _______ (get) up earlier, you ________________ (catch) the first train. 有时为了表达需要,并不总是出现 if 引导的条件句,而通过其他手段来代替条件句. 1.I was ill that day. 0therwise, I ___________________ (take ) part in the sports meet. 2.A man who stopped drinking ____________ (be) dead in seven days. 3.But for water, it ________ (be) impossible to live in the desert. 一些介词短语, 如:but for(要不是), without, or/otherwise(否则), in that case(如果是那样的话), 表示含蓄的条件,这时主句要用虚拟语气 Without /But for your help, we would not have made such rapid progress. He came to my assistance in time; otherwise, I ____________________________. Without water and air, no one could live on the earth. 混合虚拟语气------事实和虚拟假设的混合句(这样的句子不仅仅是时间的不同,而重要是事实和假设的混合.) I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been possible, but I was fully occupied the whole of last week. 该句前半部分是假设虚拟,而后半部分是事实的陈述。 I _______________ (give) you more help, but I was too busy. if only 意为:若是...那该多好啊; 真希望...; 只要, 只要...就好= I wish He behaves as if he______(own) the house. She talks about Rome as though she __________ (be) there herself. 注意下句中因时态不同而导致意义不同: ? He?walks?as?if?he?is?drunk.?????????(陈述语气,说明事实就是如此。) He?walks?as?if?he?were?/?was?drunk.(虚拟语气,说明事实并非此。)? 当主、从句中的主语同指“一个人或事物”时,且从句的谓语部分又包含 词be时,这个主语和be可以省略。 From?time?to?time?Jason?turned?round?as?though?(he?was)? searching?for?someone.? He?paused?as?if?expecting?Lanny?to?speak.? He?glanced?about?as?if?in?search?of?something.? ? It’s suggested/advised/ordered/demanded/ required…+ that---Clause 从句中的动词要用虚拟, 即(should)+动词原形 It’s required that students should wear uniforms at school. It’s suggested that children be accompanied by adults when swimming. (should) 虚拟在表语从句和同位语从句中 The official’s order is that every one (should)be examined before entering the conference hall. My suggestion is that you (should) tell your parents the truth. He thinks highly of my suggestion that you (should) tell your parent


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