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表演专业××× 毕业论文

角色创作中的感悟 《无人生还》——毕业展演有感 姓 名:××× 班 级:08级表演班 学 号:×××××××# 指导教师:×××× 提交日期:2012年3月10日 答辩日期:2012年3月10日 目 录 摘 要……………………………………………………………………… 3页 Abstract……………………………………………………………………… 4页 引 言…………………………………………………………………… 5 页 一、在剧作中分析角色……………………………………………………… 6 页 1、角色剧本中的意义……………………………………………………7 页 2、角色社会背景定位……………………………………………………8 页 3、角色性格特征定位……………………………………………………10页 (二)角色体验………………………………………………………………12 页 1、真实………………………………………………………………… 12 页 2、体验与体现………………………………………………………… 13 页 3、演员的控制…………………………………………………………14 页 二、在排练中理解并掌握角色………………………………………………15 页 (一)角色的分寸感…………………………………………………………15 页 (二)角色处理和导演的要求相适应、协调……………………………… 17 页 三、在排演中感悟并体现角色………………………………………………18 页 (一)角色联想 角色的外部造型构思角色的概括说来不外乎两方面,一是理解人物,一是体现人物。理解人物是体现人物的前提,体现人物是理解人物的结果Abstract Based on graduation major drama no survivors as the basic practice of research object, research role in the creative process. On people understanding, character creation, the physical stage, stage, stage drama skills of rhythm. In the rehearsal and performance of the process, the character creation of problems encountered, with teachers and students to communicate collaboration, these problems can be smoothly done or easily solved. Character creation in general there are two aspects, one is the understanding of the characters, is the embodiment of characters. Understanding of the characters is the embodiment of people s premise, reflects character is understanding of the characters of results. In the paper mainly talked about is through graduation creative repertoire in character creation some understanding of the past and present new understanding. Through the rehearsal None to study the actors in the creative process encountered many problems. The combination of theory and practice in the process of excavation stage, often appear the difficulty and the difficult problem. In the graduation exhibition of rehearsal and performance of the process, characters make me on the show into a deeper level of understanding, the rehearsal teacher for scheduling,


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