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一、忌解题时不分析时间状语及语境含义,机械地由一半动词形式推断另一半动词形式。 例1: If he had told me his telephone number yesterday, I ___ him now. A. would have phoned B. could have phoned C. could phone D. can phone 例2: If you had listened to the doctor, you ___ all right now. A. are B. were C. would D. would have been 二. 忌不分析语境逻辑及意义,将不完全虚拟语气误判为完全虚拟语气。 例1: You could have passed the exam, but you ___ hard. A. hadn`t studied B. didn`t study C. don`t study D. haven`t studied 例2: ---You could have walked to the station, it was so near. ---Yes, a taxi ___ necessary at all. A. hadn`t been B. weren`t not C. hasn`t been D. wasn`t 三. 忌受思维定势影响,将非虚拟语气误判为虚拟语气。 例1: He insisted that he ____ (be) right in doing so. 例2: His expression suggested that he ____ (be) angry. 例3. 翻译:快点,否则你就会迟到。 ——————————————— 四、忌将as if / though与if完成等同起来, 造成动词形式的误用。 例1. He treated her as if she ___ his own daughter. A. were B. had been C. has been D. is 例2. He looks as if he ___ the news. A. hears B. heard C. had heard D. has heard 五、忌不分析虚拟条件从句的创新形式, 因不会追根求源而乱选一气。 (一)句型还原 1、倒装句型还原 例:___ he ___ time, he would certainly have come to the party last night. A. Has; had B. If; had C. Did; have D. Had; had 2、省略句型还原 例:If only I ___ ten years younger! A. am B. would be C. should be D. were 3、疑问句型还原 例:---He didn`t ask me to go. -- ___ if he ___ you? A. Will you go; asked B. Do you go; asked C. Would you have gone; had asked D. Have you gone; had asked 4. if it were not for (对现在假设)或if it had not been for(对过去假设)创新句型还原 例:___ it ___ for your help, I couldn`t have made any progress. A. Had; not been B. Should; not been C. Did; not been D. Not; be (二)创新语境还原 if虚拟条件从句通常用if从句来体现虚拟背景,但有时也可用with / without 短语、or / otherwise短语、but


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