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Causes of the religious reformation: moral degeneration in the Catholic Church. Significance of the Religious Reformation: made great contribution to the social and intellectual development of Western civilization. a. With the far-reaching political, economic and social effects, the Reformation became a basis for the founding of Protestantism, which emerged as one of the three major branches of Christianity. b. The Reformation was the most effective and influential in terms of the results it achieved. It not only contributed to the ecclesiastical development of Christianity, but opened the way to much of the subsequent social and intellectual progress of the West. Text Study _I_1.1 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas John Calvin a. the theory of predestination b. the democratic and republican system Text Study _I_1.1 Text Study Main Ideas Viewpoints Name Martin Luther a. The Bible ought to be regarded as the most authoritative Christian source, in opposition to the papal authority. b. A Christian should advocate the justification of faith rather than the justification of indulgence. c. State power should be separated from divine power when there is a combination of the two. Major reformers: Main Ideas Humanists in the early stage of modern science mainly search for ancient writings that would increase current scientific knowledge. Botany, zoology, magic, alchemy, and astrology were developed during the Renaissance as a result of the study of ancient texts. Text Study _I_1.1 Text Study Main Ideas Main Ideas Kepler discovered that the earth and planets travel about the sun in elliptical orbits Galileo Tycho Brahe 第谷·布拉赫 Copernicus Siderius nuncius 星座报告 invention of an accurate telescope which helped to observe the heavens Achievements estimation of planetary positions by refuting the Aristotelian theory that placed the planets within crystal spheres De revolutionibus 天体运行论 Text Study _III_1.2.2 Main Ideas Text Study Main Ideas F


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