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交 通 學 報 Journal of Traffic Science 第十五卷 第二期 Volume 15 No. 2 民國一○四年 十一月 Nov. 2015 頁 1 9 1 ~頁 2 2 4 pp. 191~224 機車倒地方向的力學 分析及其在行車事故 鑑定之應用 Mechanics Analysis on Direction of Motorcycle Falls to Ground and its Application in Traffic Accident Reconstruction 張超群 Chau-Chin Chang 1 摘要 本文以力學原理分析機車碰撞或擦撞後的倒地方向,詳細介紹陀螺的特性 與陀螺力矩形成的原理。研究表明若碰撞為機車前部 (前輪、前輪蓋、前叉、 把手 、照後鏡等),機車倒地方向主要由陀螺力矩決定;若碰撞為機車後部 (車 架、車殼、引擎、傳動系統、後懸吊系統 、排氣管與後輪等),機車倒地方向主 要由碰撞高度與機車重心高度決定。將機車與機車碰撞,機車與汽車碰撞常見 的 形式,分別加以說明,輔以肇事實例 ,驗證機車的倒地方向 ,並製成表格方 便參考。由機車倒地方向與車損部位,可以推測交通事故時,機車碰撞時的行 向與碰撞 形式。 關鍵詞: 機車倒地方向、前部 、後部 、陀螺力矩 Abstract The study used principles of mechanics to analyze the direction of a motorcycle f alls to ground due to collision and introduced the characteristics of gyroscope and derived how the gyroscopic moment would occur in detail. The research results showed that when impact was taken place in front assembly (front wheel, front wheel cover, fork, hand bar and mirror etc.) of a motorcycle, direction of the motorcycle falls to ground would depend on the gyroscopic moment. If the collision was occurred in rear assembly (frame, body shell, engine, powertrain, rear suspension system, muffler and real wheel etc.) of a motorcycle, the direction of the motorcycle falls to ground would be determined by the heights of the impact and the 1 南臺科技大學機械工程系副教授 (聯絡地址:71005台南市永康區南台街 1號,電話 06-2533131 轉 3511 ,E-mail: ccchang@stust.edu.tw )。 191 交通學報


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