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DOI :10.14006/j.jzjgxb.2006.06.012 27 6       Vol.27, No.6 2006 12 Journal of Building Structures Dec.2006 :1000-6869(2006)06-0094-07 1 1 2 洪海波, 谢壮宁, 顾 明 (1. , 515063;2. , 200092) :, 、。:, ;, D B 。 , , , D 15.8%, 。 :;;;; :TU973.32 TU317.1  :A Wind-induced vibration response of super ig -rise building in ig -turbulence flow 1 1 2 HONG Haibo , XIE Z uangning , GU Ming (1.Department of Civil Engineering, S antou University, S antou 515063, C ina; 2.State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering,Tongji University,S ang ai 200092, C ina) Abstract :T e wind-tunnel experiment of t e Jin Mao building model in t e ig er turbulence flow was carried out by using ig -frequency-force base balance.T e effects of t e surrounding buildings including t e World Financial Center Tower on t e mean load, dynamic load and wind-induced response are analyzed.T e results s ow t at turbulence as little effect on mean load, but as a strong effect on dynamic load and wind-induced response.Generally, t e buffeting effects of t e building in terrain category D are muc ig er t an t ose in terrain category B.T e World Financial Center Tower as significant interference effects on t e Jin Mao building, and t e effects decrease wit t e increase of turbulence intensity of t e approac flow.However, t e interference effects are still significant w en t e turbulence intensity is 15.8%at t e gradient wind eig t in terrain category D. Keywords:super ig -rise building;ig -turbulence;wind tunnel test;interference effect; ig frequency force base balance


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