新型交直流混合微电网结构设计 - 电力系统保护与控制.pdf

新型交直流混合微电网结构设计 - 电力系统保护与控制.pdf

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新型交直流混合微电网结构设计 - 电力系统保护与控制

第 45 卷 第 2 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.45 No.2 2017 年 1 月 16 日 Power System Protection and Control Jan. 16, 20 17 D I: 10.7667/PSPC160046 新型交直流混合微电网结构设计 蔡冰倩,贾利虎,朱永强,王银顺 (新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,华北电力 学,北京 102206) 摘要:结构设计关系到交直流混合微电网的建设成本和运行性能。 交流微电网、直流微电网的典型结构进行了 比较全面的 比分析。根据微电网的分区原则、分层原则、资源利用最大化原则、电能质量保证原则,设计了交 直流混合微电网的 3 种拓扑结构,分别为多层型、单环型以及互补环型结构。利用微电网可靠性和经济性的分析 方法及参考数据, 比了 3 种拓扑的系统可靠性指标和建设成本、运行维护费用等经济性指标,得出其各 自的优 缺点和适用场合。 关键词:交直流混合微电网;设计原则;结构设计;可靠性分析;经济性分析 New architecture design for hybrid AC/DC micro-grid CAI Bingqian, JIA Lihu, ZHU Yongqiang, WANG Yinshun (State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beij ing 102206, China) Abstract: Structure design will affect the construction cost and operation performance of hybrid AC/DC micro-grid. This paper takes an overall contrastive analysis on the typical structures of AC micro-grid and DC micro-grid. According to the partition principle, hierarchical principle, maximum resource utilization principle and the principle of electric energy quality assurance in micro-grids, three topological structures for hybrid AC/DC micro-grid are designed, which are multilayer type, single loop type and complementary loop structure. Using analytical method for reliability and economy and reference data in micro-grid, this paper compares the three new topologies on system reliability index and economic



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