基于稀疏表示的步态识别 - journal of northeastern university - 东北 .pdf

基于稀疏表示的步态识别 - journal of northeastern university - 东北 .pdf

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基于稀疏表示的步态识别 - journal of northeastern university - 东北

第33 卷第1期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) V ol33, No. 1 2 0 12 年 1 月 Journal of Nort heastern U n vers ty( N atural Sc ence) Jan . 2 0 1 2 杨 旗, 薛定宇, 崔建江 ( , 110819) : , CASIA - B CU SD . , ( A EI ) , AEI , , A EI : ; . . , , . : ; ; ; ; : T P 391. 4 1 : A : 1005- 3026( 20 12) 01- 0043- 04 Gait Recognition Based on Sparse Representation YA N G Qi, X UE D ing-y u , C UI Jian-j iang ( School of Informat on Sc ence Eng neer ng, Northeaster n U n v ers ty, Shenyang 110819, Ch na. Correspond ng author : YA NG Q , E- ma l: 9501133 @ 163 . com) Abstract: A met hod based on sparse representat on for g a t recogn t on was proposed u s ng t he CASIA- B and CU SD dat abase. T he ga t s lhouet te w as central zed and normal zed f rst , t hen t he A EI( act ve energy mage) w as calculated based on the prev ous operat on and used as t he f eature mage f or ga t recogn t on. T w o met hods w ere u sed t o establ sh t he d ct onary and calculat e t he decompos t on coef f c ents for t he sparse representat on: one for reconstruct on, and t he ot her for d scr m nat on. OM P ( orthogonal match ng pursu t ) algor t hm was used f or coeff c ent s decompos t on . T he result of ex per ment show s t hat t he proposed met hod can eff ect vely recogn ze the g a t, and the accuracy of t he recogn t on s h gh and recogn z ng speed s much f ast er . Key words: sparse represent at on ; d ct onary; OM P( orthogonal mat ch ng pursu t ) ; A EI( act ve energy mage) ; coeff c ent decompos t on , , Zhang A EI( [ 1] . ) , A EI


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