既有钢筋混凝土建筑物耐震评估与补强设计之探讨 - 中华大学.pdf

既有钢筋混凝土建筑物耐震评估与补强设计之探讨 - 中华大学.pdf

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既有钢筋混凝土建筑物耐震评估与补强设计之探讨 - 中华大学

既有鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震評估與補強設計之探討 李錫霖* 張奇偉 ** *台灣省結構工程技師公會理事兼學術委員會主委 **中華大學土木工程學系系主任 *,**中華大學土木工程學系副教授 Abstract The Taiwan Island is located in a complex, tectonically active region between the Eurasian plate and Pacific plate. Many damaging large earthquakes have occurred on this small island. The most notable events are the 1906 Chiayi(M7.1), 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung(M7.1) and 1999 Chichi (M7.3) earthquake. The building earthquake resistance capacity is an important index for life and property protection. However in the life cycle of a building, sometimes the building earthquake resistance capability may be damaged by nature or manmade events. Also, due to the change of design guide or the change of occupancy category, the building earthquake resistance capability may need to upgrade. Under the consideration of moneysaving and timesaving, a feasible way is to restrength damaged buildings instead of reconstruction. This research is based on the detail assessment process presented by Prof. Tsai in 1996 and 1999.According to the basic requirement for structure design on strong column and weak beam, the restrength design will be studied. Four restrength methods including shear wall, wing wall, steel bracing and steel plate(or CFRP) will be considered and compared. The results can be provided for practical design. The results show that the shear wall as well as the steel bracing is the most economical restrength method. The steel plate method is the last choice because of the highest cost. 一、 前言 一般建築物在其生命週期中 ,常因自然災害或是人為因素導致結構受損而影響其耐 震能力 ,如建築物受到地震 、颱風 、火災、地盤滑動及不均勻沈陷等等的作用 。另外由 於時代的變遷以及對於結構與地動行為的進一步瞭解與認知 ,導致設計規範的修正 ,造 成對建築物的設計地震力及耐震有不同的要求。例如台灣地區在 1974 年


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