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北邮网络学院毕业设计(论文) 题 目:关于西安电信分公司宽 带业务营销策略的探讨 专 业: 工商管理 学生姓名: 郭丽娟(136110543110001) 导师姓名: 张静 摘 要 西安电信要想在当前复杂多变的环境中在宽带业务上获得持续竞争优势,寻求更大发展,就必须对自身的优势与劣势、面临的机遇与挑战有个全面清醒认识,必须运用最符合实际的市场营销思想来经营宽带业务,制定出适合实际情况的营销战略。本文采用理论结合实践的方法,在对企业进行实际调研的基础上,综合运用市场营销、战略管理等理论,对西安电信宽带业务的市场营销策略进行研究。目的是促进西安电信在激烈的宽带业务竞争中建立并保持可持续发展的竞争优势。本文运用SWOT分析、市场细分理论、4P理论等市场营销理论知识,对西安电信业务市场进行了细分,重新确定了公司业务的目标市场,提出了适合西安电信宽带业务发展的市场营销组合策略,分别从产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略等方面进行了阐述和分析,在产品策略中,又重点针对产品质量、产品组合营销,品牌、服务等方面进行了细化分析,在促销策略中,又重点针对广告宣传、优惠政策促销、人员促销、公共关系等方面进行了细化分析。最后,提出了各项营销策略顺利实施所需的保障措施。希望能够对西安电信宽带业务未来的生存和发展提供一定的参考和借鉴作用。 关键词: 西安电信、宽带业务、营销策略 Abstract Telecom to shangluo in the current complicated and changeable environment to gain sustainable competitive advantage in broadband business, seek greater development, must be on their own advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges facing a comprehensive recognition, must use the most practical marketing ideas to broadband business, to develop a marketing strategy suitable for the actual conditions.This article adopts the method of theory combining with practice, on the basis of practical investigation and research in enterprises, the integrated use of marketing, strategic management theory, such as the marketing strategy of telecom broadband in shangluo. The purpose is to promote telecom broadband business in the fierce competition in shangluo establish and maintain the sustainable development of competitive advantage. In this paper, SWOT analysis, market segmentation theory, and the theory of 4p marketing theory knowledge, practical for telecommunication market segmentation, to determine the target market of the company, put forward the suitable marketing mix strategy of telecom broadband business development in shangluo, respectively from the product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy and so on are expounded and analyzed, in the product strategy, and focus on product qua


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